We are proud to present the new demo site for SobiPro.
With SobiPro 1.2 we re-designed the default SobiPro template and added it now to the demo site. As the Joomla! template of the new demo site is based on Bootstrap 3, we use the Bootstrap 3 version of the default3 template for all sections.
The demo site shows the SobiPro component and the applications we developed for SobiPro. At the moment not all applications are available at the demo site. We are going to implement them one by one.
Presently the demo site shows two sections. The first section is the standard SobiPro Business directory which will be installed with the full version of SobiPro. The second section, the 'Restaurant Guide', is the recently released new SobiRestara 3 template.

The following applications can be seen on the demo site:
- SobiPro Core Component with default Business Directory data
- SobiRestara 3 template ('Restaurant Guide')
- Contact Form Field (in 'Restaurant Guide'): The Contact Form Field is used 2 times, once for a simple contact form and for a reservation form.
- Review and Rating Application (in 'Restaurant Guide'): The Review and Rating Application is used to review and rate the restaurants.
- SP-GeoMap Field (in 'Restaurant Guide'): The SP-GeoMap field shows the location of a restaurant in the details view. In the search setting, you can search by proximity. It shows the distance from your current or any other location to the restaurants specified by the search parameters you have given.
- Aggregation Field (in 'Restaurant Guide'): The Aggregation Field is used to enter tags for a restaurant. It is also used to aggregate cuisine types.
- Notifications (in 'Restaurant Guide'): To send emails, SobiPro needs the Notifications application.
Several options are available only for registered users. To see all options of these directories you can log in at front-end. You can also log in to the administrator panel to see the back-end functionality. Please notice that the functionality in the administration area is limited for security reasons.
Visit our new demo site at https://demo.sobi.pro