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Fields in SobiPro Core

Fields are truly the heart of SobiPro. Each section within SobiPro provides its own fields manager where you create and edit the fields that will be included with each entry or category. SobiPro comes with 12 core fields implemented and a bunch of installable fields available.
Fields are the reason why SobiPro is a CCK (content construction kit). By using the different fields, you can create (construct) your own entry or category form to let your users or administrators enter the data structured into specific fields.

freeThe Fields Manager

Add, delete, configure and access fields in the fields manager

freeThe Section Menu

SobiPro's section menu, available for each of your sections (directories)

SSearch Methods dependent on Field Type

SobiPro provides different search methods for the different field types
Tags: field | method | search | type

SThe INI (Options) Definition File

Upload an INI file with predefined options

The Button Field

Use the Button field to display a button

The Category Field

The Category field is used for assigning entries to one or more categories

The Checkbox Group Field

The Checkbox Group field is useful for listing out options with a check box next to them

The Email Field

The Email Field allows users to add an email address to an entry. The title of the field can be set to be editable by users when creating or editing an entry. Filtering of the field's title can be added using the SobiPro input filters. The field's content can be stored encrypted in the database.

The Image Field

The Image field allows users to upload and display an image in an entry

The Information Field

Use the Information field to display static content

The Input Box Field

The Input Box field is used for many types of content, from street addresses and names to just about anything you can think of that only requires a few words or short sentence. It is also the field type used for numbers. The field's content can be stored encrypted in the database.

The Multiple Select List Field

The Multiple Select List field allows to create groups of data

The Radio Buttons Field

The Radio Buttons field allows you to create a list of multiple options

The Single Select List Field

Create a drop-down list in the entry form for users to select a single option

The Textarea Field

The Textarea field allows to enter large amounts of content, usually for descriptions or large paragraphs of text. It allows HTML markup to be entered or will use the Joomla WYSIWYG editor. The field's content can be stored encrypted in the database.

The URL Field

The SobiPro URL field allows users to create a hyperlink in an entry

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SDocument available for subscribers only. You do not have access.

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

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