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SobiPro Component


Last updated: 9. September 2024
Refers to version: all

In order to use SobiPro on your server, some requirements must be met. Before installing or updating SobiPro, please check whether your server meets the requirements.

Some SobiPro applications may have their own specific requirements. They are displayed on the application page.

Minimum requirements

If the minimum requirements are not met, SobiPro will not work at all on your server.

SobiPro 2.6+:

  • Joomla! 4.3/4.4, Joomla 5.0/5.1
  • PHP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3

For SobiPro series 2.6:

Recommended settings

SobiPro will work, but if the following requirements are not met, restricted or disrupted functions may occur. The corresponding functions are given in brackets. These recommendations are always related to the latest SobiPro 2 version, but they also may be related to older versions.

  • PHP 8.2.14
  • at least MySQL 8.1 or MariaDB 11.1
  • Zip extension available (installation of applications)
  • Client URL Library installed and usable (also for SSL URLs)6 (repository, URL validation, crawler, SSL certificate, schema definitions, news)
  • SQLite supported7 (SobiPro's data accelerator)
  • SOAP extension available and usable (repository)
  • OpenSSL module available (repository)
  • Tidy HTML clean and repair utility available (automatic HTML error correction)
  • System program execution enabled (file type validation)
  • PHP Memory Limit >= 48 MB
  • PHP max. execution time >= 30 seconds

1) Nginx is not supported.

2) PostgreSQL is not supported.

3) Stored Procedures help in speeding up the site. Make sure to use MySQLi database driver, as the PDO database driver does not support Stored Procedures.

4) If you have Suhosin installed, make sure that Phar support is enabled in Suhosin.

5) Since sorting operations in SobiPro are performed by the database, it may be useful to change the database encoding for languages with special non-Latin letters from 'utf8mb4_general_ci' to an encoding more appropriate for your language. For example to 'utf8mb4_polish_ci' for Polish language or to 'utf8mb4_roman_ci' for German or French.

6) Some providers seem to provide CURL within the PHP configuration, but at the same time outgoing connections are blocked on the firewall or do not allow CURL for SSL URLs.
Please ensure that this functionality is enabled and also that it is indeed possible to use it.

7) SQLite is supported only via the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension.

Minimum requirements

If the minimum requirements are not met, SobiPro will not work at all on your server.

SobiPro 2.5.1+:

  • Joomla! 3.10, Joomla 4.1/4.2/4.3/4.4, Joomla 5.0/5.1
  • PHP 7.4, 8.1, 8.2

SobiPro 2.4+, 2.5.0+:

  • Joomla! 3.10, Joomla 4.1/4.2/4.3, Joomla 5.0
  • PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2

SobiPro 2.2+, 2.3+:

  • Joomla! 3.10, Joomla 4.1/4.2/4.3
  • PHP 7.4, 8.0, 8.1, 8.2

SobiPro 2.1+:

  • Joomla! 3.10, Joomla 4.1/4.2
  • PHP 7.2, 7.3, 7.4, 8.0, 8.1

For SobiPro series 2.0 to 2.5:

Recommended settings

SobiPro will work, but if the following requirements are not met, restricted or disrupted functions may occur. The corresponding functions are given in brackets. These recommendations are always related to the latest SobiPro 2 version, but they also may be related to older versions.

  • PHP 8.2.14
  • at least MySQL 8.1 or MariaDB 11.1
  • Zip extension available (installation of applications)
  • Client URL Library installed and usable (also for SSL URLs)6 (repository, URL validation, crawler, SSL certificate, schema definitions, news)
  • SQLite supported7 (SobiPro's data accelerator)
  • SOAP extension available and usable (repository)
  • OpenSSL module available (repository)
  • Tidy HTML clean and repair utility available (automatic HTML error correction)
  • System program execution enabled (file type validation)
  • PHP Memory Limit >= 48 MB
  • PHP max. execution time >= 30 seconds

1) Nginx is not supported.

2) PostgreSQL is not supported.

3) Stored Procedures help in speeding up the site. Make sure to use MySQLi database driver, as the PDO database driver does not support Stored Procedures.

4) If you have Suhosin installed, make sure that Phar support is enabled in Suhosin.

5) Since sorting operations in SobiPro are performed by the database, it may be useful to change the database encoding for languages with special non-Latin letters from 'utf8mb4_general_ci' to an encoding more appropriate for your language. For example to 'utf8mb4_polish_ci' for Polish language or to 'utf8mb4_roman_ci' for German or French.

6) Some providers seem to provide CURL within the PHP configuration, but at the same time outgoing connections are blocked on the firewall or do not allow CURL for SSL URLs.
Please ensure that this functionality is enabled and also that it is indeed possible to use it.

7) SQLite is supported only via the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension.

Minimum requirements

If the minimum requirements are not met, SobiPro will not work at all on your server.

SobiPro 1.6+:

  • Joomla! 3.8 to 3.10
  • PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3, 7.4

SobiPro 1.5+:

  • Joomla! 3.8 to 3.9
  • PHP 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

SobiPro 1.4+:

  • Joomla! 3.6 to 3.9
  • PHP 5.6 and above, PHP 7.1, 7.2

SobiPro 1.3+:

  • Joomla! 3.4, 3.5, 3.6 and 3.7
  • PHP 5.6 and above, PHP 7

SobiPro 1.2+:

  • Joomla! 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6
  • PHP 5.3.9 and above, PHP 7

SobiPro 1.1+:

  • Joomla! 2.5 or 3.3/3.4
  • PHP 5.3.9 and above

SobiPro 1.0+:

  • Joomla! 1.5 (at least 1.5.20) or 2.5
  • PHP 5.2

For all SobiPro 1 versions:

Recommended settings for the latest SobiPro 1 version

SobiPro will work, but if the following requirements are not met, restricted or disrupted functions may occur. The corresponding functions are given in brackets.

  • PHP 7.4.335
  • MySQL 5.7+2
  • Zip extension available (installation of applications)
  • Client URL Library installed and usable (also for SSL URLs)6 (repository, URL validation, crawler, SSL certificate, schema definitions, news)
  • SQLite supported7 (SobiPro's data accelerator)
  • SOAP extension available and usable (repository)
  • OpenSSL module available (repository)
  • Tidy HTML clean and repair utility available (automatic HTML error correction)
  • System program execution enabled (file type validation)
  • PHP Memory Limit >= 48 MB
  • PHP max. execution time >= 30 seconds

1) Nginx is not supported.

2) MySQL 8, MariaDB >= 10.2 and PostgreSQL are not supported.

3) If you have Suhosin installed, make sure that Phar support is enabled in Suhosin.

4) Since sorting operations in SobiPro are performed by the database, it may be useful to change the database encoding for languages with special non-Latin letters from 'utf8_general_ci' to an encoding more appropriate for your language. For example to 'utf8_polish_ci' for Polish language or to 'utf8_roman_ci' for German or French.

5) PHP 8 is not supported.

6) Some providers seem to provide CURL within the PHP configuration, but at the same time outgoing connections are blocked on the firewall or do not allow CURL for SSL URLs.
Please ensure that this functionality is enabled and also that it is indeed possible to use it.

7) SQLite is supported only via the PHP Data Objects (PDO) extension.

Global settings

  • Joomla! FTP Layer disabled
  • PHP Register Globals disabled
  • PHP Safe Mode disabled (OFF)
  • A Joomla template that can display Joomla system messages. SobiPro relies on these messages to report certain errors and notifications. So if they are not displayed, it may prevent SobiPro from working properly.
  • File upload enabled

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them or parts of it without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

Published on Friday, 4 March 2011. Visited 44387 times.
Powered by SobiPro
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