Information Center

In the Information Center you will find everything you need to know about SobiPro and its applications!
It is also the place to download SobiPro, its applications and language packages.


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Important announcement

SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

As an active customer download the full version of SobiPro from the description page or download the trial version of SobiPro free of charge.

Quick jump to chapter:

SP-GeoMap Module


The SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro allows to show entries of a SobiPro directory (section) on a geographical map in a Joomla module position. A customizable info window using a XSLT template within the module can be used to show data of the specific entry.

The module comes with several features such as:

  • Entries close to each other (depending on the zoom level) can be clustered.
  • Initial zoom level and start point coordinates can be set.
  • The map can be automatically centred to all shown markers.
  • Entries with same coordinates are grouped to one info window.
  • The info window can be shown on click or hover.
  • The content of the info window can be styled via XSL template and CSS.
  • Roadmap, satellite, terrain, hybrid views are available (Google map only).
  • Several map controls can be used on the map.
  • A custom marker can be used.
  • Entry specific custom marker can be used (at the moment for Google map only).
  • Category dependent custom marker can be used (at the moment for Google map only).
  • Only entries of the currently visited category page can be shown on the map.
  • Only entries of a specific category can be shown on the map.
  • Several map modules can be used to show different content.
  • The search results on SobiPro's search page are shown on the map.
  • The map and entries will be loaded first after the site has been loaded for performance.
  • The module works with SSL.
  • The module works on responsive/mobile sites.
  • An API key can be added for Google maps.

Note: Google Maps and OpenStreetMap + Leaflet are supported.

SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Map View
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Custom Markers
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Using Map Controls
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Google Streetview
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Configuration - Tab 'Module'
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Configuration - Tab 'Map Settings'
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Configuration - Tab 'Markers / Info Window'
SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro - Info Window Template

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Arabic (ar-AA)Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Catalan (ca-ES)Chinese (zh-CN)Croatian (hr-HR)Czech (cs-CZ)Danish (da-DK)Dutch (nl-NL)English (en-GB)Finnish (fi-FI)French (fr-FR)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Japanese (ja-JP)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Romanian (ro-RO)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Thai (th-TH)Turkish (tr-TR)Vietnamese (vi-VN)


As of mid-August 2023, Google has changed its API, and now expects ECMAScript 2020 compatibility. Legacy scripts, like the script for the SP-GeoMap Field and SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro 1, are not ECMAScript 2020 compliant. Additionally, the Google Maps API script can no longer be loaded multiple times, which happens when different extensions add their own Google Maps API URL and key. SobiPro field and module test whether a script has already been added by SobiPro. But as different API Urls are available ( and this test may fail.

The geomap fields and module for SobiPro 2 are ECMAScript 2020 compatible!
However, changing the script URL to // or to // is recommended. Please do not enter a version number here.

What you need to do for SobiPro 1:

  • In the GeoMap Field configuration, set 'Google URL' to // If you are using the GeoMap Field with Proximity Search via Google, change the URL to //
  • If you are using the GeoMap Field with Proximity Search via Google, change 'Script URL' to //
  • If you are using also the SP-GeoMap Module, update it to version 2.6.1 which we have released 25 August 2023
  • In the map module's configuration, change the 'Provider API URL' to // If you are using the GeoMap Field with Proximity Search via Google, change the URL to //

With these changes, SobiPro's Google Maps will work until May 2024. By then, you must have updated your SobiPro installation to SobiPro 2 or switch the map to Leaflet.

SSP-GeoMap Module Installation

Install the SP-GeoMap module with the built-in application manager

SInstallation of SP-GeoMap Module via Repository

Installation of the SP-GeoMap Module via SobiPro Repository

SUpdate the SP-GeoMap Module

Update notifications and updating the SP-GeoMap module

SSP-GeoMap Module Configuration

Configuration settings for the SP-GeoMap module

SCategory dependent Markers

Shows how to get category dependent markers in the GeoMap module
Tags: XML | XSL | XSLT
SP-GeoMap Module
Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro 2.3.5
Last update: 6 September 2023
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 4187bf47acc40d01f88b06aa529efd6a
Filesize: 199.3 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 2.6.1
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.5.1
Last update: 25 August 2023
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: e757d77b5bfbd9e62c35571d5bdd801f
Filesize: 193.4 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Do you like SP-GeoMap Module? Please leave a review at Joomla Extensions Directory!

This module needs the SP-GeoMap Field or the BASIC SP-GeoMap Field installed and used for the entries which should be shown on the map!


As of mid-August 2023, Google has changed its API, and now expects ECMAScript 2020 compatibility. Legacy scripts like this module are not ECMAScript 2020 compliant. Additionally, the Google Maps API script can no longer be loaded multiple times, which happens when different extensions add their own Google Maps API URL and key. SobiPro field and module test whether a script has already been added by SobiPro. But as different API Urls are available ( and this test may fail.

What you need to do:

  • In the GeoMap Field configuration, set 'Google URL' to // If you are using the GeoMap Field with Proximity Search via Google, change the URL to //
  • If you are using the GeoMap Field with Proximity Search via Google, change 'Script URL' to //
  • Update the SP-GeoMap Module to version 2.6.1 which we have released 25 August 2023
  • In the map module's configuration, change the 'Provider API URL' to // If you are using the GeoMap Field with Proximity Search via Google, change the URL to //

With these changes, SobiPro's Google Maps panel and module will work until May 2024. By then, you must have updated your SobiPro installation to SobiPro 2 or switch the map to Leaflet.

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 8

All versions from site: 9721

All versions from repository: 11221

Total Downloads: 20942


2.6.1 (25 August 2023)

(!) Default Google API URL set to '//'
(#) Removal of debug output
(#) Changing the Google API URL did not work

2.6 (26 March 2020)

(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.6.0
(#) MySQL error if radius search is set up and no results are given (Issue #14)

2.5 (10 July 2019)

(+) Possibility to use OpenStreetMap + Leaflet (v1.5.0) as map provider with simple custom marker implementation

2.4 (9 October 2018)

(+) Usage of template storage
(+) Loading additional css and javascript files for the info window via entry.ini
(+) Update server added to let Joomla check for updates
(+) Separate API key configuration field
(+) Hybrid and Terrain views added
(+) Gesture Handling implemented (for gestures on mobile devices and scroll control on desktops)
(+) Possibility to switch off all controls
(+) Selection of subdirectories for marker icons possible
(!) No longer copying uncompressed JS files to the server
(!) Language file structure adapted to Joomla 3
(#) Ajax loading progress bar not loaded on new SobiPro sites, changed to default spinner

2.3 (12 May 2016)

(+) Possibility to limit (zoom) number of entries displayed in Geo search
(+) Catalan, Indonesian, Latvian and Dutch languages added and some others completed (thanks to our translation teams)
(-) Google api parameter 'sensor' removed
(-) Google map options 'Pan Control' and 'Overview Map Control' removed as no longer available
(!) Default Google API is set to // to detect the protocol automatically
(!) Default map width is set to 100%
(!) Markercluster images now loaded locally
(#) No results in search in SobiPro 1.2+
(#) Unpublished entries displayed in geo search results (Issue ##1433)
(#) No entries from subcategories in dynamic mode if set in template configuration

2.2 (8 May 2015)

(+) Italian and Slovak languages added and Persian, Hungarian, Romanian and Chinese languages completed (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Fixed category doesn't work in section view and special listings
(#) Prevent duplication of Google API script declaration
(#) Changed "markerclusterer" images URL to https by default

2.1 (21 November 2013)

(!) Changed resize listener to control current browser and container size to fit into (responsive)
(!) Files installation routine moved to installer script
(!) Uninstalling deletes all module files besides the template files
(!) If default template already exists, template from installation package gets a temporary name
(#) Installation problems (files couldn't be overwritten) solved
(#) Fixed performance issues while displaying module with many entries (Issue #1098)

2.0 (27 October 2013)

(+) Compatibility with Joomla! 3 (Joomla! 1.5 support dropped)
(+) Possibility to define Google Maps API URL (including Google Maps API key and SSL)
(+) Dynamic mode - show entries of current category
(+) Possibility to show entries from a particular category
(+) Auto centring map to all shown markers
(+) Possibility to disable clustering
(+) Possibility to define info window event (on click or mouse over)
(+) Custom (own) marker for all entries
(+) Custom (variable) markers dependent on data in a (select list or radio) field of an entry
(+) Grouping entries with same coordinates to one Info Window
(+) Added a resize listener to control current browser size and fit to it (responsive)
(+) Arabic, Czech, Danish, Greek, Spanish, Persian, Finnish, Croatian, Hungarian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and Chinese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) Improved JavaScript
(!) Changed setting transfer method
(#) Unapproved entries are shown twice (issue #612)
(#) PHP warning if no map options are selected (issue #595)
(#) Loading of spinning gif on multilingual sites failed (issue #882)

0.5.1 (19 January 2012)

(+) French and Swedish language (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Parameters to ignore - wrong request method
(#) Google map not displayed when there are no search results (Issue #582)
(#) GeoMap module entries Info Window not showing on Joomla! 1.5 (Issue #587)

0.5 - first release (23 December 2011)


SobiPro 2 and its applications are a major upgrade. If you upgrade the application, it is highly recommended to use the new template file(s) for SobiPro and the applications, as the old template file(s) do not necessarily work with SobiPro 2 and the new application.

Copy them to your template by re-selecting the section in the module configuration. If you have modified the template file(s), you need to backup them first and add your modifications to the new template file(s).

The module needs the SP-GeoMap Field or the BASIC SP-GeoMap Field installed and used for the entries which should be shown on the map!

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 64

All versions from site: 145

All versions from repository: 433

Total Downloads: 578


3.1.4 Build 1 (05 September 2023)

(!) Update server definition updated for SobiPro 2
(!) Default Google API URL set to //
(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.9.4
(!) Checks now also Leaflet script for double loading
(#) The saved search results (ssid) did not distinguish between sections
(#) Changing the Google API URL did not work
(#) After copying template files (copy storage), the selected template was no longer selected

3.1.3 build 1 (20 February 2023)

(+) Setting 'optimized' added for Google markers.
(!) Button size for copy storage button smaller for Joomla 3

3.1.2 build 0 (10 January 2023)

(+) Legacy file for old SobiPro templates added
(+) Button in module's configuration to copy template files to the section template
(#) Template files were not copied to the section template if there were already files

3.1.1 Build 0 (21 November 2022)

(!) Removal of jquery-base64.js dependency
(#) Undefined method JoomlaCMSApplicationSiteApplication::getInput() with Joomla 3
(#) Javascript error switching section in module settings

3.1 Build 2 (02 November 2022)

(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.9.2
(!) Variable custom markers available also for Leaflet map
(#) PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
(#) Marker fields list was not populated
(#) Custom marker was not resized although the Google docs say, added size for the marker

3.0 Build 5 (18 May 2022)

(-) Removal of Bootstrap version evaluation as not needed
(!) Javascript files compressed; uncompressed versions are not copied to the server

3.0 Beta Build 4 (29 March 2022)

(+) Adaption to Joomla 4 and SobiPro 2
(+) Template files now work for Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5
(+) Styles file geomap-module.css always loaded (includes leaflet marker clusters)
(-) Getting templates from front folder (old method) removed
(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.7.1
(!) Cluster marker CSS moved to template
(#) Removal of debug output

2.6 (26 March 2020)

(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.6.0
(#) MySQL error if radius search is set up and no results are given (Issue #14)

2.5 (10 July 2019)

(+) Possibility to use OpenStreetMap + Leaflet (v1.5.0) as map provider with simple custom marker implementation

2.4 (9 October 2018)

(+) Usage of template storage
(+) Loading additional css and javascript files for the info window via entry.ini
(+) Update server added to let Joomla check for updates
(+) Separate API key configuration field
(+) Hybrid and Terrain views added
(+) Gesture Handling implemented (for gestures on mobile devices and scroll control on desktops)
(+) Possibility to switch off all controls
(+) Selection of subdirectories for marker icons possible
(!) No longer copying uncompressed JS files to the server
(!) Language file structure adapted to Joomla 3
(#) Ajax loading progress bar not loaded on new SobiPro sites, changed to default spinner

2.3 (12 May 2016)

(+) Possibility to limit (zoom) number of entries displayed in Geo search
(+) Catalan, Indonesian, Latvian and Dutch languages added and some others completed (thanks to our translation teams)
(-) Google api parameter 'sensor' removed
(-) Google map options 'Pan Control' and 'Overview Map Control' removed as no longer available
(!) Default Google API is set to // to detect the protocol automatically
(!) Default map width is set to 100%
(!) Markercluster images now loaded locally
(#) No results in search in SobiPro 1.2+
(#) Unpublished entries displayed in geo search results (Issue ##1433)
(#) No entries from subcategories in dynamic mode if set in template configuration

2.2 (8 May 2015)

(+) Italian and Slovak languages added and Persian, Hungarian, Romanian and Chinese languages completed (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Fixed category doesn't work in section view and special listings
(#) Prevent duplication of Google API script declaration
(#) Changed "markerclusterer" images URL to https by default

2.1 (21 November 2013)

(!) Changed resize listener to control current browser and container size to fit into (responsive)
(!) Files installation routine moved to installer script
(!) Uninstalling deletes all module files besides the template files
(!) If default template already exists, template from installation package gets a temporary name
(#) Installation problems (files couldn't be overwritten) solved
(#) Fixed performance issues while displaying module with many entries (Issue #1098)

2.0 (27 October 2013)

(+) Compatibility with Joomla! 3 (Joomla! 1.5 support dropped)
(+) Possibility to define Google Maps API URL (including Google Maps API key and SSL)
(+) Dynamic mode - show entries of current category
(+) Possibility to show entries from a particular category
(+) Auto centring map to all shown markers
(+) Possibility to disable clustering
(+) Possibility to define info window event (on click or mouse over)
(+) Custom (own) marker for all entries
(+) Custom (variable) markers dependent on data in a (select list or radio) field of an entry
(+) Grouping entries with same coordinates to one Info Window
(+) Added a resize listener to control current browser size and fit to it (responsive)
(+) Arabic, Czech, Danish, Greek, Spanish, Persian, Finnish, Croatian, Hungarian, Japanese, Portuguese (Brazil), Romanian, Russian, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and Chinese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) Improved JavaScript
(!) Changed setting transfer method
(#) Unapproved entries are shown twice (issue #612)
(#) PHP warning if no map options are selected (issue #595)
(#) Loading of spinning gif on multilingual sites failed (issue #882)

0.5.1 (19 January 2012)

(+) French and Swedish language (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Parameters to ignore - wrong request method
(#) Google map not displayed when there are no search results (Issue #582)
(#) GeoMap module entries Info Window not showing on Joomla! 1.5 (Issue #587)

0.5 - first release (23 December 2011)

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SDocument available for subscribers only. You do not have access.

Copyright (C) 2006-2025 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.

This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

Powered by SobiPro
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