Information Center

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It is also the place to download SobiPro, its applications and language packages.


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Notifications Application

Notifications Application

The Notifications application for SobiPro is the central email message centre for all emails sent by SobiPro or a SobiPro application.
The Notifications application sends emails to users/authors and/or administrators on events like add, edit, publish, approve, delete and payment. It also sends the emails for the Review and Rating Application, the Expiration Application, the Collection Application or the Contact Form Field (e.g. contact author, report or claim listings, or other contact forms you've created) if they are installed.
The Notifications application lets you manage all those sent emails in one message centre. You can edit and resend them e.g. for payment reminders.

Notifications Application - Configuration
Notifications Application - Message Template
Notifications Application - Messages list (Message Center)
Notifications Application - Edit and re-send sent messages
Notifications Application - Message Information / Resend message
Notifications Application - Messages for the Review & Rating Application
Notifications Application - Messages for the Expiration Application

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Arabic (ar-AA)Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Bulgarian (bg-BG)Catalan (ca-ES)Chinese (zh-CN)Croatian (hr-HR)Czech (cs-CZ)Danish (da-DK)Dutch (nl-NL)English (en-GB)Finnish (fi-FI)French (fr-FR)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Japanese (ja-JP)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Romanian (ro-RO)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Thai (th-TH)Turkish (tr-TR)Vietnamese (vi-VN)

SNotifications Application Installation

Installation of the Notifications application with the built-in application manager

SInstallation of Notifications Application via Repository

Installation of the Notifications application via the SobiPro repository

freeUpdate a SobiPro application

Update notifications and updating SobiPro applications

SActivation of Notifications Application

Activation of the Notifications application for a section

SConfiguration of Notifications Application

Configuration of the Notifications application

SPlaceholders for Notifications Application

Description the available placeholders for the Notifications application

SManaging Notifications (Message Center)

View, delete, edit and re-send notifications
Notifications Application
Joomla 5Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro 2.5
Last update: 13 August 2024
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 8d48f0c72d0c4c9acc75cd0e16faa15d
Filesize: 121.5 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 2.7
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.5.3
Last update: 17 July 2020
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 1a98fd1a6895d8bb09e8ecbcd1ed0cc8
Filesize: 116.8 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Do you like Notifications Application? Please leave a review at Joomla Extensions Directory!
Remarks: The Notifications Application 2.5.1 and above can be used only with SobiPro and above!
Download Statistics:

Recent version: 122

All versions from site: 9985

All versions from repository: 9289

Total Downloads: 19274


2.7 (17 July 2020)

(+) Possibility to add 'Reply to' email addresses
(+) Message event when entry is deleted
(!) Message subject is shown above each message in the Message Center
(!) In each message information tab in the Message Center the error/success message will be shown additionally to the popover on the status icon
(!) For CC, BCC and Reply To, also a semicolon can be used to separate email addresses
(#) DOMDocument::load may be called statically, but will issue an E_STRICT error
(#) Global Configuration, ACL and Extensions back-end menus not protected by ACL settings
(#) Usage of English terms for Gross and Net
(#) Removal of empty paragraph in message content for initial installation
(#) Message event is shown again in notifications configuration
(#) Author name wasn't shown in the message page of the Message Center

2.6 (23 July 2018)

(+) Distribution list extended to support email subject and body
(+) Language for configuration can be switched now via button (Issue #1)
(!) Checkbox group, multiselect, select and radio fields now uses the key as trigger to work also on multi-lingual sites
(!) Database table will change to InnoDB, utf8mb4_unicode_ci, utf8mb4 for existing installations
(!) All VARCHAR(255) database table elements will change to VARCHAR(190) on installation to fit InnoDB on older MySQL versions
(!) Database table elements mailBCC, mailCC and mailTo will change to TEXT on installation to allow long mail recipients lists
(!) All text based database table columns will change to collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci and charset utf8mb4 on installation
(#) Fatal error when unknown fields are used as triggers in the distribution list
(#) Triggers category, checkbox group and multiselect fields don't work
(#) Email subject contains HTML code for multiselect and checkbox group fields
(#) New lines will be converted to HTML break code when sending as HTML (Issue #7)
(#) Missing Sections menu in notifications configuration added
(#) Status in Message Center information screen out of position

2.5.1 (11 May 2018)

(#) Revert modifications from issue #3 as it does not longer work with newest SobiPro

2.5 (3 May 2018)

(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(#) {payment.methods.html} placeholder doesn't generate any output in the notification email (Issue #2)
(#) typo in language strings
(#) Input field data are not passed to the notification app when entry is saved from front-end (Issue #3)

2.4 (29 November 2017)

(+) Hewbrew language file added (partially translated)
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout

2.3 (31 January 2017)

(+) Placeholders for discounts in payment emails
(#) Reset notifications configuration after update (Issue #1742)

2.2 (25 November 2016)

(+) Indonesian, Latvian, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian and Slovak languages added
(!) Left column more wide
(!) Notifications Menu renamed to 'Message Center'
(!) Default message template texts modified
(!) Back-end title text improved for some pages
(#) BCC is not being sent due to spelling issue (Issue #1025)
(#) time offset added to sent date (Issue #1605)
(#) {} placeholder for expiration application added (Issue #1459)
(#) Back-end ACL rule check implemented (Issue #1543)
(#) Deprecated message when sending (Issue #1696)
(#) Payment notifications aren't sent after entry edition (Issue #1736)

2.1 (26 July 2013)

(+) Catalan language added (thanks to our translation team; translated partially)
(#) Wrong id for getting custom triggers (results in wrong email template for Review & Rating Application)
(#) Target email displayed to every user in frontend

2.0 (14 May 2013)

(+) Distribution list
(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Information in administration area about sent messages
(+) Arabic, Czech, Persian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams) (some languages are only translated partially)
(!) Default message templates modified
(#) Wrong default texts for payment messages
(#) Wrong section id for default messages

1.0.1 (02 July 2012)

(#) Fixed error in installation routine

1.0 (29 June 2012)

(+) Notifications Manager in administrator area
(+) Possibility to re-send emails
(+) Silent trigger for external Apps
(+) Danish, Greek, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Turkish and Chinese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) Default notifications status set to disabled
(#) Removed junk output
(#) Disabled notifications are shown as disabled in the list
(#) Typo in predefined messages

0.9.2 (6 December 2011)

(+) State is shown in list of notification triggers
(+) Swedish, Croatian, Bulgarian and Finnish languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(+) Additional action triggers for other SobiPro applications
(!) Switched back to use SobiPro mailer
(#) Typo in example data

0.9.1 (14 April 2011)

(+) German, Polish and French languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) Headers corrected
(#) Typo fixed

0.9.0 (1 March 2012) - first public release

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 10

All versions from site: 133

All versions from repository: 589

Total Downloads: 722


3.1.6 Build 0 (13 August 2024)

(#) Selecting the example distribution list throws error when editing the entry (#) Error with wrongly empty import data

3.1.5 Build 1 (23 February 2024)

(!) Added report flag to SendMessages() to control showing of errors
(!) Handling of section-related data in message centre
(#) Catch added as Joomla throws error instead of giving the exception data back

3.1.4 Build 0 (20 November 2023)

(#) Cell styles of message center table corrected
(#) Handling of deleted entries in message center was missing
(#) Messages with sid=0 will be removed from message center

3.1.3 Build 0 (18 August 2023)

(#) Wrong dates were shown in message center

3.1.2 Build 0 (19 June 2023)

(!) Casting string to int (a try)

3.1.1 Build 0 (15 June 2023)

(!) Access rights adapted to core permissions
(!) Adapted to new menu structure

3.1 Build 4 (31 October 2022)

(+) Action logging added for message template edits
(+) Action logging added for resending emails (Notification Center)
(+) Action logging added for deleting emails (Notification Center)
(+) Action logging support for Review & Rating and Expiration applications
(!) Error message handling improved
(#) PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
(#) Email addresses changed in message center will be trimmed now
(#) Call to new framework method clearAddresses() to clear addresses from previous sending

3.0.1 Build 1 (8 June 2022)

(!) Sent email address on frontend is shown only for administrators
(#) Load the language file in den send method in case the send request comes from a different application

3.0 Build 4 (2 May 2022)

(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager, configuration and categories (multilingual mode only)
(+) Usage of legend element for administrator templates

3.0 Build 3 Beta (11 November 2021)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Adapted for PHP 7.2
(#) Payment texts are missing in payment emails (Issue #9)

2.7 (17 July 2020)

(+) Possibility to add 'Reply to' email addresses
(+) Message event when entry is deleted
(!) Message subject is shown above each message in the Message Center
(!) In each message information tab in the Message Center the error/success message will be shown additionally to the popover on the status icon
(!) For CC, BCC and Reply To, also a semicolon can be used to separate email addresses
(#) DOMDocument::load may be called statically, but will issue an E_STRICT error
(#) Global Configuration, ACL and Extensions back-end menus not protected by ACL settings
(#) Usage of English terms for Gross and Net
(#) Removal of empty paragraph in message content for initial installation
(#) Message event is shown again in notifications configuration
(#) Author name wasn't shown in the message page of the Message Center

2.6 (23 July 2018)

(+) Distribution list extended to support email subject and body
(+) Language for configuration can be switched now via button (Issue #1)
(!) Checkbox group, multiselect, select and radio fields now uses the key as trigger to work also on multi-lingual sites
(!) Database table will change to InnoDB, utf8mb4_unicode_ci, utf8mb4 for existing installations
(!) All VARCHAR(255) database table elements will change to VARCHAR(190) on installation to fit InnoDB on older MySQL versions
(!) Database table elements mailBCC, mailCC and mailTo will change to TEXT on installation to allow long mail recipients lists
(!) All text based database table columns will change to collation utf8mb4_unicode_ci and charset utf8mb4 on installation
(#) Fatal error when unknown fields are used as triggers in the distribution list
(#) Triggers category, checkbox group and multiselect fields don't work
(#) Email subject contains HTML code for multiselect and checkbox group fields
(#) New lines will be converted to HTML break code when sending as HTML (Issue #7)
(#) Missing Sections menu in notifications configuration added
(#) Status in Message Center information screen out of position

2.5.1 (11 May 2018)

(#) Revert modifications from issue #3 as it does no longer work with newest SobiPro

2.5 (3 May 2018)

(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(#) {payment.methods.html} placeholder doesn't generate any output in the notification email (Issue #2)
(#) typo in language strings
(#) Input field data are not passed to the notification app when entry is saved from front-end (Issue #3)

2.4 (29 November 2017)

(+) Hewbrew language file added (partially translated)
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout

2.3 (31 January 2017)

(+) Placeholders for discounts in payment emails
(#) Reset notifications configuration after update (Issue #1742)

2.2 (25 November 2016)

(+) Indonesian, Latvian, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian and Slovak languages added
(!) Left column more wide
(!) Notifications Menu renamed to 'Message Center'
(!) Default message template texts modified
(!) Back-end title text improved for some pages
(#) BCC is not being sent due to spelling issue (Issue #1025)
(#) time offset added to sent date (Issue #1605)
(#) {} placeholder for expiration application added (Issue #1459)
(#) Back-end ACL rule check implemented (Issue #1543)
(#) Deprecated message when sending (Issue #1696)
(#) Payment notifications aren't sent after entry edition (Issue #1736)

2.1 (26 July 2013)

(+) Catalan language added (thanks to our translation team; translated partially)
(#) Wrong id for getting custom triggers (results in wrong email template for Review & Rating Application)
(#) Target email displayed to every user in frontend

2.0 (14 May 2013)

(+) Distribution list
(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Information in administration area about sent messages
(+) Arabic, Czech, Persian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams) (some languages are only translated partially)
(!) Default message templates modified
(#) Wrong default texts for payment messages
(#) Wrong section id for default messages

1.0.1 (02 July 2012)

(#) Fixed error in installation routine

1.0 (29 June 2012)

(+) Notifications Manager in administrator area
(+) Possibility to re-send emails
(+) Silent trigger for external Apps
(+) Danish, Greek, Spanish, Dutch, Russian, Turkish and Chinese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) Default notifications status set to disabled
(#) Removed junk output
(#) Disabled notifications are shown as disabled in the list
(#) Typo in predefined messages

0.9.2 (6 December 2011)

(+) State is shown in list of notification triggers
(+) Swedish, Croatian, Bulgarian and Finnish languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(+) Additional action triggers for other SobiPro applications
(!) Switched back to use SobiPro mailer
(#) Typo in example data

0.9.1 (14 April 2011)

(+) German, Polish and French languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) Headers corrected
(#) Typo fixed

0.9.0 (1 March 2012) - first public release

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

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