In the Information Center you will find everything you need to know about SobiPro and its applications!
It is also the place to download SobiPro, its applications and language packages.
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Check out the different SobiPro templates we have created for you.
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SobiPro is translated into more than 30 languages.
As an active customer download the full version of SobiPro from the description page or download the trial version of SobiPro free of charge.
The new default7 template file for SobiPro 2 supports all Bootstrap versions to adapt to an old Joomla template.
It is highly recommended to make modifications which you had done on your template to the new default7 template to get the full functionality this template has and have maximum compatibility.
We offer a paid service to make your template default7 based. Please contact us for a cost estimate.
The description below is for the adaption of SobiPro 2 applications to older SobiPro templates. If you are using already a default7 based template, you can ignore these instructions.
If you want to use your old template, please bear in mind that not everything will work and look like before, although we added compatibility functions. SobiPro cannot modify your template automatically, as each template is unique. A template is something what is under your control. Therefore, it is possible that you need to make several modifications though.
In any case, you need to set 'Support for old templates' to 'Yes' (General configuration -> Template -> General Settings).
The next steps depend on the template your own template is based on.
<field name="settings[config][general][bs]" default="bs3"/>
and change "bs3" to "3"
<field condition="apps.review_rating" name="settings[config][less][review][bsversion]" default="bs3"/>
and change it to
<field condition="apps.review_rating" name="settings[config][less][review][bs]" default="3"/>
<field name="settings[config][general][font]" default="fa4"/>
exists, change "fa4" to "4". Otherwise, add
<field name="settings[config][general][font]" default="4"/>
<field name="settings[config][general][development]" default="0"/>
Save the template settings.
You will find these files also in our Download Archive.
@bs: 3; @white: #fff; @black: #000; @gray-100: #f8f9fa; @gray-200: #e9ecef; @gray-300: #dee2e6; @gray-400: #ced4da; @gray-500: #adb5bd; @gray-600: #6c757d; @gray-700: #495057; @gray-800: #343a40; @gray-900: #212529;Save and compile your theme.less file.
.SobiPro { @import (less) "helper/_applications.linc"; }Save and compile your theme.less file.
You will find this file also in our Download Archive.
Note: The 'Description position' as set in the template settings has precedence over the new field setting for the description position.
<field name="settings[config][general][bs]" default="bs3"/>
and change "bs3" to "3"
<field condition="apps.review_rating" name="settings[config][less][review][bsversion]" default="bs3"/>
and change it to
<field condition="apps.review_rating" name="settings[config][less][review][bs]" default="3"/>
<field name="settings[config][general][font]" default="fa4"/>
exists, change "fa4" to "4". Otherwise, add
<field name="settings[config][general][font]" default="4"/>
<field name="settings[config][general][development]" default="0"/>
Save the template settings.
You will find these files also in our Download Archive.
@corner-radius: 10px; @bs: 3; @white: #fff; @black: #000; @gray-100: #f8f9fa; @gray-200: #e9ecef; @gray-300: #dee2e6; @gray-400: #ced4da; @gray-500: #adb5bd; @gray-600: #6c757d; @gray-700: #495057; @gray-800: #343a40; @gray-900: #212529;Set @corner-radius as you like it, do not change the other settings. Save and compile the file.
.SobiPro { @import (less) "helper/_applications.linc"; }Save and compile your theme.less file.
You will find this file also in our Download Archive.
Note: The 'Description position' as set in the template settings has precedence over the new field setting for the description position.
<field name="settings[config][general][bs]" default="bs3"/>
and change "bs3" to "3"
<field condition="apps.review_rating" name="settings[config][less][review][bsversion]" default="bs3"/>
and change it to
<field condition="apps.review_rating" name="settings[config][less][review][bs]" default="3"/>
<field name="settings[config][general][font]" default="3"/>
<field name="settings[config][general][development]" default="0"/>
Save the template settings.
You will find these files also in our Download Archive.
@corner-radius: 10px; @bs: 3; @white: #fff; @black: #000; @gray-100: #f8f9fa; @gray-200: #e9ecef; @gray-300: #dee2e6; @gray-400: #ced4da; @gray-500: #adb5bd; @gray-600: #6c757d; @gray-700: #495057; @gray-800: #343a40; @gray-900: #212529;Set @corner-radius as you like it, do not change the other settings. Save and compile the file.
.SobiPro { @import (less) "helper/_applications.linc"; }Save and compile your theme.less file.
You will find this file also in our Download Archive.
Templates based on the default3 or default2 template are not supported at all.
Copyright (C) 2006-2025 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.
This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them or parts of it without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.