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SobiPro Component

Upgrade from SobiPro 1 to SobiPro 2

Last updated: 4. September 2023
Refers to version: 1.1+

Upgrading SobiPro from SobiPro to SobiPro 2.x ist not simply an update of SobiPro. However, if there are no special actions to be taken, it is done in a few minutes.

But you have to consider a few things:

  • Check the requirements for SobiPro 2 before upgrading
    SobiPro 2 has different requirements than SobiPro 1. You will find the requirements for all SobiPro versions here: Requirements
    If your server does not meet the necessary requirements for SobiPro 2, speak to your system administrator or hosting provider.
  • Install SobiPro 2 on your Joomla 3 site before upgrading Joomla to 4.
    Imagine, you have a Joomla 3 site with SobiPro 1 that you want to upgrade to Joomla 4. However, you want to use SobiPro 1 again later. You therefore deactivate SobiPro 1 and install Joomla 4.

    You can now no longer install SobiPro 2!

    Always install SobiPro 2 BEFORE upgrading to Joomla 4.

  • You need to have the latest SobiPro 1 version installed.
    The latest SobiPro 1 version is at the moment It can be find here: SobiPro Component; tab on 'SobiPro 1.x'.
  • An upgrade of all installed SobiPro applications is required.
    If you have installed SobiPro applications, you have to upgrade they all after switching to SobiPro 2.

Installation Sequence

We'll assume you've made a copy of the live site, which we're free to work on.

  1. Check the requirements for SobiPro 2.
  2. Make a backup (e.g.with Akeeba Backup)
  3. Upgrade SobiPro 1 to SobiPro 2 by installing the latest SobiPro 2 version
  4. Upgrade all installed SobiPro applications

If you are already on Joomla 4, skip the following steps

  1. Make a backup (e.g.with Akeeba Backup)
  2. Upgrade to Joomla 4

Good to know

Please evaluate SobiPro only on a testing or developing site (backup of your site) or a new installation! You can also evaluate SobiPro by using our demo version free of charge.


Due to the new administration layout framework of Joomla 4, the administration templates for SobiPro backend views have changed. As a result, all SobiPro applications had to be rewritten.

Upgrade the used applications immediately after upgrade of SobiPro!


Because of the new administration layout, the documentation has to be adapted too. We will do this as soon as we have rewritten the SobiPro templates. Until then, you can use the documents of SobiPro 1 as a base, having the new look in mind. Most of the new features and settings are self-explaining, and it should be easy to understand them. If you still have questions, our support will help.

SobiPro Templates

Previous SobiPro templates are supposed to work as usual. However, it might be necessary that some corrections need to be made, depending on your own modifications in your template. If using Joomla 4, keep in mind that using Bootstrap 5 and Bootstrap 3 (used by old SobiPro templates) are not compatible.
If you use a SobiPro template below default7, you need to switch Section Configuration ➜ General Configuration ➜ Template ➜ General Settings ➜ 'Support for old templates' on.

It is however highly recommended upgrading your SobiPro template to the new default7 template of SobiPro 2 in order to make use of all new features and Bootstrap 5. You should always use the same Bootstrap version for the SobiPro template as your Joomla template uses.


SobiPro 2 upgrade converts the SobiPro database. You cannot go back to or use it for SobiPro 1. Always make a backup first.

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Published on Friday, 14 July 2023. Visited 3510 times.
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