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SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

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BASIC SP-GeoMap Field

This application is without proximity/radius search!

The SobiPro SP-GeoMap Field extends the types of possible fields for SobiPro with a field type for showing the location of an entry on a geographical map. While editing an entry, it creates coordinates based on the geo-location of the current IP address of the author, or of the entered address. Thereupon the entry will get a map with a marker on its location in the details view.

Key Features:

  • Geographical map for each entry to show its location on a map
  • Map sizes and zoom level adjustable
  • Google Maps and Leaflet/OpenStreetMap providers available
  • Zoom and scale controls available
  • Satellite, roadmap, hybrid and terrain views for Google Maps available
  • Map Type, Street View, Rotate and Fullscreen controls available for Google Maps
  • Geo location based on a given address while adding an entry
  • Alternatively IP based browser geo location while adding an entry
  • Google API key support
  • SSL support
  • Responsive with gestures on mobile devices

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Arabic (ar-AA)Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Bulgarian (bg-BG)Catalan (ca-ES)Chinese (zh-CN)Croatian (hr-HR)Czech (cs-CZ)Danish (da-DK)Dutch (nl-NL)English (en-GB)Finnish (fi-FI)French (fr-FR)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Japanese (ja-JP)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Romanian (ro-RO)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Thai (th-TH)Turkish (tr-TR)Vietnamese (vi-VN)

SSP-GeoMap Field Installation

Install the (Basic) SP-GeoMap field with the built-in application manager

SUpdate of the SP-GeoMap Field

Update notifications and updating the SP-GeoMap field

SSP-GeoMap Field Configuration

Configuration settings for the (Basic) SP-GeoMap field

SSP-GeoMap Field Nodes (Views)

Description of the XML nodes of the SP-GeoMap field available in the views (section, category, listing, details view)

SSP-GeoMap Field Nodes (Entry Form)

Description of the XML nodes of the SP-GeoMap field available in the entry form

SEntering Coordinates in the Form

Shows how to add geographical coordinates to an entry/category via the entry/category form

SBatch adding Coordinates

Creating geographical coordinates for entries or categories via batch geo-coding services
BASIC SP-GeoMap Field
Joomla 5Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro
Last update: 30 May 2024
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: ca0c3dc54cc3ef22bf028e7ede413a24
Filesize: 111.5 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 2.5
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.4.8
Last update: 31 January 2020
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 5534af46738d23377deb2d41e1fae9aa
Filesize: 100.1 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.

This is the Basic SP-GeoMap Field to provide an entry with geographic coordinates via the entry form and add a geographical map to the details view of an entry.
Note! This version does not include Proximity or Radius Search!


As of mid-August 2023, Google has changed its API, and now expects ECMAScript 2020 compatibility. Legacy scripts like this field are not ECMAScript 2020 compliant. Additionally, the Google Maps API script can no longer be loaded multiple times, which happens when different extensions add their own Google Maps API URL and key. SobiPro field and module test whether a script has already been added by SobiPro. But as different API Urls are available ( and this test may fail.

What you need to do:

  • In the GeoMap Field configuration, set 'Google URL' to //
  • If you are using also the SP-GeoMap Module, update it to version 2.6.1 which we have released 25 August 2023
  • In the map module's configuration, change the 'Provider API URL' to //

With these changes, SobiPro's Google Maps panel and module will work until May 2024. By then, you must have updated your SobiPro installation to SobiPro 2 or switch the map to Leaflet.

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 121

All versions from site: 10373

Total Downloads: 10373


2.5 (30 January 2020)

(!) CSS file minified
(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.6.0
(!) Address fields will be given to geocoder ordered by position
(!) Possibility to refresh the maps in the different views
(#) Compressed JS files use also secure protocol
(#) Missing blank in generated field code caused the new (and wrongly working) Tidy (PHP 7.3+) to remove map code

2.4 (17 October 2018)

(+) Possibility to use OpenStreetMap + Leaflet as map provider in view and entry form
(+) Hybrid and Terrain views added (Google Maps)
(+) Rotate and fullscreen controls added
(+) Gesture Handling implemented (for gestures on mobile devices and scroll control on desktops; Google Maps)
(+) Possibility to switch off all controls (Google Maps)
(!) Free value input for zoom level fields

2.3 (10 July 2018)

(+) Warning if site has no HTTPS protocol but determine location is used
(+) Warning if no address fields are set to localise the address on the map from fields data
(+) Category fields compatible
(+) Configuration field for Google API key added
(-) Suffix removed
(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(#) Notices in entry form for guests
(#) General CSS class (spClassMap) missing in details view
(#) Responsive layout fixed

2.2 (8 November 2017)

(+) Auto-generate placeholder for alias field (nid)
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(-) Google map options 'Pan Control' and 'Overview Map Control' removed as no longer available
(-) Google API parameter 'sensor' removed
(#) CSS added, otherwise some Google map options are not shown
(#) Ajax loading progress bar not loaded on new SobiPro sites, changed to default spinner
(#) If the entry owner may see (own) unapproved entries, the map was not shown (Issue #2)
(#) Auto approval state (copy flag) corrected

2.1 (10 December 2015)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in add/edit form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) CSS style sheet
(+) Catalan, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian, Indonesian and Latvian Languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) No fixed heights by default
(!) Field width settings changed from px to Bootstrap classes (span, col)
(!) Protocol of site is used automatically for Google URLs
(#) HTML validation error if no map width given

2.0 (12 May 2014)

(+) Coordinates to the data attributes
(+) Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, French, Farsi, Dutch, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams); (some languages are translated only partially)
(+) Possibility to choose unit of the map dimensions
(+) Full compatibility with SobiPro 1.1
(+) Map is now fully responsive
(!) No geo location by default; added a button to locate user
(!) Rewrote of JavaScript files; extended jQuery; no initialising code, switched to listener instead
(!) Splitting JavaScript functions to details view and edit view separately
(#) Coordinates cannot longer be edited manually (Issue #639)
(#) Set as required corrected (Issue #1111)
(#) Conflict with Entries Module solved (Issue #1080)
(#) Empty coordinates fields are not longer stored as 0 (Issue #599)

1.0 (13 October 2011)

(+) Swedish Language (thanks to our Swedish translation team )
(+) Possibility to add coordinates to meta data
(#) Fixed several JavaScript errors to make it usable with JavaScript compression
(#) Initial disable works now if the field is a non-free one

0.9.3 (11 April 2011) - first public release

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 10

All versions from site: 89

Total Downloads: 89


4.1.7 Build 0 (30 May 2024)

(+) Danish language added
(!) Copy to Storage button in red now as it overwrites files
(!) PHP 8 compatibility
(#) Leaflet map zoom control background color fixed
(#) JavaScript error if a field of the new field configuration is missing

4.1.6 Build 3 (5 September 2023)

(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.9.4
(!) Default Google Maps URL set to //
(!) Checks is the script URL is already loaded (by another geoMap field)
(#) Street field is not correctly set in old multiselect list
(#) Geocoding does not work with old multiselect list
(#) New fields used old multiselect list instead of single fields

4.1.5 Build 0 (18 August 2023)

(#) Error if all view options are switched off
(#) Map was not shown if the view types are in uppercase letters

4.1.4 Build 0 (02 May 2023)

(+) Ordering of fields for geolocation added in SobiPro's configuration file as map.order
(!) Default ordering adapted (again) to Nominatim's API
(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved
(#) Confirm message, when coordinates were changed, was missing

4.1.3 Build 1 (20 February 2023)

(!) If no address fields were selected in the multiselect list, single select lists are used instead (better geocoding possible)
(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.9.3
(#) JavaScript error in fields manager if used as category field
(#) Geocoding in entry form for OpenStreetMap didn't work correctly

4.1.2 Build 0 (05 December 2022)

(#) Coordinates are not saved in the geomap table

4.1.1 Build 0 (22 November 2022)

(!) Removal of jquery-base64.js dependency
(!) Version set to the same version as the full field to let the module check the field requirement

3.1 Build 0 (02 November 2022)

(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.9.2
(#) Width of map in details view could not be set
(#) JavaScript error in certain cases
(#) PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
(#) Placeholder fields not suitable for that type of field; removed
(#) Saving of new fields does not save all parameters

3.0 Build 5 (18 May 2022)

(!) Style file type changed
(!) Cleaned params attributes list
(!) Uncompressed JavaScript files are no longer copied to the server
(!) Bootstrap version now evaluated from core
(#) Missing trigger for Bootstrap 2

3.0 Beta Build 3 (29 March 2022)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager (multilingual mode only)
(+) Usage of legend element for administrator templates
(+) Frontend styles file (.linc) can be copied to template from field manager
(+) Compatibility message for application styles on non-default7 based SobiPro templates
(#) Zero coordinates cannot be saved
(#) PHP 7.2 compatibility
(#) Deleting data from database if coordinates are cleared (immediately without respect to approval)

2.5 (30 January 2020)

(!) CSS file minified
(!) Leaflet version updated to v1.6.0
(!) Address fields will be given to geocoder ordered by position
(!) Possibility to refresh the maps in the different views
(#) Compressed JS files use also secure protocol
(#) Missing blank in generated field code caused the new (and wrongly working) Tidy (PHP 7.3+) to remove map code

2.4 (17 October 2018)

(+) Possibility to use OpenStreetMap + Leaflet as map provider in view and entry form
(+) Hybrid and Terrain views added (Google Maps)
(+) Rotate and fullscreen controls added
(+) Gesture Handling implemented (for gestures on mobile devices and scroll control on desktops; Google Maps)
(+) Possibility to switch off all controls (Google Maps)
(!) Free value input for zoom level fields

2.3 (10 July 2018)

(+) Warning if site has no HTTPS protocol but determine location is used
(+) Warning if no address fields are set to localise the address on the map from fields data
(+) Category fields compatible
(+) Configuration field for Google API key added
(-) Suffix removed
(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(#) Notices in entry form for guests
(#) General CSS class (spClassMap) missing in details view
(#) Responsive layout fixed

2.2 (8 November 2017)

(+) Auto-generate placeholder for alias field (nid)
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(-) Google map options 'Pan Control' and 'Overview Map Control' removed as no longer available
(-) Google API parameter 'sensor' removed
(#) CSS added, otherwise some Google map options are not shown
(#) Ajax loading progress bar not loaded on new SobiPro sites, changed to default spinner
(#) If the entry owner may see (own) unapproved entries, the map was not shown (Issue #2)
(#) Auto approval state (copy flag) corrected

2.1 (10 December 2015)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in add/edit form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) CSS style sheet
(+) Catalan, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian, Indonesian and Latvian Languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) No fixed heights by default
(!) Field width settings changed from px to Bootstrap classes (span, col)
(!) Protocol of site is used automatically for Google URLs
(#) HTML validation error if no map width given

2.0 (12 May 2014)

(+) Coordinates to the data attributes
(+) Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, French, Farsi, Dutch, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams); (some languages are translated only partially)
(+) Possibility to choose unit of the map dimensions
(+) Full compatibility with SobiPro 1.1
(+) Map is now fully responsive
(!) No geo location by default; added a button to locate user
(!) Rewrote of JavaScript files; extended jQuery; no initialising code, switched to listener instead
(!) Splitting JavaScript functions to details view and edit view separately
(#) Coordinates cannot longer be edited manually (Issue #639)
(#) Set as required corrected (Issue #1111)
(#) Conflict with Entries Module solved (Issue #1080)
(#) Empty coordinates fields are not longer stored as 0 (Issue #599)

1.0 (13 October 2011)

(+) Swedish Language (thanks to our Swedish translation team )
(+) Possibility to add coordinates to meta data
(#) Fixed several JavaScript errors to make it usable with JavaScript compression
(#) Initial disable works now if the field is a non-free one

0.9.3 (11 April 2011) - first public release

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

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