Updates of the SP-GeoMap Field and the Basic SP-GeoMap Field for SobiPro are available.
The SobiPro SP-GeoMap Field extends the types of possible fields for SobiPro with a field type for showing the location of an entry on a Google map. While editing an entry, it creates coordinates based on the geo-location of the current IP address of the author, or of the entered address. Thereupon the entry will get a map with a marker on its location in the details view.
The field gives you also the possibility to do a proximity search to find entries within the proximity to a given location. This is a RADIUS SEARCH without the LIMITATION to a radius. With this improved usability the selection of an entry can be done immediately without changing the radius and perform a re-search if the results don't fit the idea.
This is a maintenance release addressing a few bugs. Additionally error messages are shown if teh field is configured wrongly, e.g. missing address fields and no SSL site protocol. The API key for map service provider can be added now in a separate field instead of appending it to the API URL.
The field is now compatible to be used as category field.