Several of you have waited for this moment a long time; none more than us at Sigsiu.NET. And now it's finally here. Brand new and ready to show just what it can do, and it can do a lot! SobiPro has been developed from the desires of the Sobi community, from your desires, so it should certainly meet your needs.
Ladies and Gentlemen; We are really proud to present to you the new Joomla! directory extension: SobiPro
Built on the success of the Sobi2 Directory Component, SobiPro is the next generation of directory extension with content construction support for Joomla! Built from the ground up, SobiPro has many new features that make it more flexible, more powerful and the perfect choice for many Joomla! powered website projects. SobiPro is a very extensible and highly configurable multi-directory component which allows you to easily extend your Joomla! powered website with a products directory, download directory, download and document management, real estate functionality and much, much more all from a single installation.
But SobiPro is not just a piece of software. It's an idea on how to manage and maintain this extension into the future. Therefore, we are also pleased to announce the grand opening of the SobiPro Club. With a Club Membership you can get additional applications, support and documentation for your SobiPro directory. But the most important advantage to being a Club member is the possibility to shape the future development of SobiPro. You, as the SobiPro user and club member will be able to tell us what you want to see in each new version of SobiPro.
We would like to give special thanks to all members of the Quality & Testing team and other volunteers who have helped us create SobiPro throughout the past 18 months, and all of the Sobi2 Users who have supported us from the beginning.