SobiPro Ideapool

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New application

What about a Pedigree-Applikation to show relations (dependencies) between entries ?


Submitted at:  1 June 2017 00:39:41

Such an appplikation would make it possible to order entries in form of a familie-tree
- or to show an article together with its corespoinding supplies or spare-parts,
- or it might be used e.g. to group several dishes together as a suggested menue,
- or to group several rooms to rent as entries under the entry of the Hause they are in,
- or generally to show any other relation of items or persons in a simple and intuitive manner
by showing an entry on top of a list of dependant entries.

let me use the example of the familie-tree to explain what I mean:

A pedigree-button may be added to any entry which, when clicked, will show the relations to other entries listed by the admin in an extra input-field in the backend.
A module in the frontend would then show that entry (person or animal) next to the spouse-entry with all their children-entries listed below.
Clicking on a listed child would raise this entry to the top of a new list with its partner and again the children-entries listed below, and so on.
Of cause there should be a back-buttom assigned each parent-entry as well to go back up the blood-line of each of the two parents.

Wouldn't that be nice and useful for many other applications like for shops, techical descriptions, restaurant-menue ..

For an application considering objects (or dishes on a menue) an entry may have related child-entries or not, there is no need of a coupled-item like the parents, and there has not to be always a pre-successor, so the same Application without changes may show as well many separated "dependancy-trees". (like for spare-parts of an item, or supply belongings to a technical aitem wich is not part of a bigger item containing it.)

I would like that Applikation very much, and I would use it for my little social-network based on SobiPro:
The characteristic of that network is, that you only can join the network if someone invites you to join, with the idea to avoid trolls or virtual (fake) profiles ... everybody in that social network is in it because a friend wanted her/him to be in there and in a way he/she is somewhat responsible for the invited person by proving that the right person is on the picture of the new entry and he/her is not telling (big) lies about him/herself ;-) ... this priciple gererates a tree-shaped network of friends/invitations which could be represented and shown by such a pedigree-application as well.

Wouldn't that be a useful application in many different cases?

For the SobiPro team: here are my ideas on how to implemet this idea (it's not so complex than the possible use may be ;-)

It would only need an addidional pedigree-field for each entry and one pedigree-module to show that entry together with the all the entries listed in that field by the admin as entry-ID's. All entries listed in that field by their entry-number will be shown by the module as the corresponding entries in a defined layout.

This extra pedigree-field may e.g. contain a list of entry-ID's separated by semicolons - a non existant ebtry-ID or a zero as ID will later just be ignored by the pedigree-module.

The first number in that list represents the ernty wich might be placed on the left of the actual entry and the second ID listed might be placed right, if not zero. This allows in the case of the family-tree the other parent to be placed either to the right or to the left of the actual entry (e.g. in a family-tree the father might be always placed to the right of the mother, then all female entries should have the first numer as zero, and all male entries the second)
The third number may be the of the mothers-mother or the fathers-father (used for the go-back-button).
All further entry-numbers listes in the padigree-field of that entry in question will be listed by the pedigree-module as children below the entries of the both parents.

If the ID-numbers are enterd by the administrator in a consistent way (knowing the familily-tree) the module then should show the following behaveour:

- an entry is shown with the spouse-entry next to it (right or left, or even two entries are shown on both sides, if merried twice :-)) They may be shown e.g. as portrait-pictures or in the layout of busines-cards, and below these two entries, the children-entries will be listed in a similar design.
The chlildren should be listed in the succession of the entry-numbers in the pedigree-field so they maybe ordered according to the age of the children chronological.

- clicking on any of the parent-pictures of the mother or the father will then show his/her grandparents in the same way with all the sisters/brothers of the parent listed below (including him/her beween his/her brothers/sisters) .. clicking on any entry just calls the same module using the third ID-Number in the pedigree-field of the entry clicked upon.

- clicking on any of the childrens-pictures will do the same magic with that entry, showing the spouse of that child and the children of that child listed below. And so on.

Or to explain it in even more detail - using the sound of a childrens-trumped:

It's so easy ... but it is great, ... it will be the greatest, and it will be THE best of all best bestest, I tell you!
It's true .. it will make SobiPro great again ... no doubt ... no fake news ... good news! ... the goodest *new* news of all the newest news ever ... and the club members will pay for it! ... it's true!

And we all will succeed and live forever happy after by sendeing all the best wishes we ever wished to the SobiPro Service-team... so great ... (my wishes) ... *WE* have the best wishes in the world ... no doubt ... it's *SO* true, trust'me.

The Donald!
(the best Donald ever ... no Mac-D ... no D-Duck ... the Real Twitter-D :-))

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On 31 May 2018, Ernst Willand commented:   

Godd Idea for many possible applications ...
the planned application Ingredients could be one possible application based on it ..
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