Version 2.6.1 of the SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro 1 is available to download and in repository. Update it necessary if you are using Google Maps.
As of mid August 2023, Google changed its API to expect ECMAScript 2020 compatibility. Older scripts, like this module, are not ECMAScript 2020 compatible. Additionally, the Google Maps API script can no longer be loaded multiple times, what happens if different extensions add their own Google Maps API URL and key.
Google offers the possibility to use older scripts until May 2024. Until then you need to have your SobiPro installation updated to SobiPro 2 or switch the map to Leaflet.
Please read the instructions in the 'Remarks' section of the SP-GeoMap Module for SobiPro 1!
More information are available in the Remarks of the application.