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Import/Export Application

Adapters for Import/Export Application

Last updated: 15. May 2020
Refers to version: 3.0
  • This documentation refers to SobiPro 1, but can be used also for SobiPro 2 with the different screen in mind.

List of the available field adapters for the Import/Export application. Every SobiPro field needs a specific import and/or export adapter (a script) to successfully import or export data for a field. Without an adapter, the data of a field are exported as they are in the database, probably not usable. Import is not possible without an adapter.

Fields with adapters available for entry im-/export

The following entry fields can be exported and imported with the Import/Export application.

Fields with adapters available for category im-/export

The following category fields can be exported and imported with the Import/Export application.

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Published on Monday, 27 February 2012. Visited 8146 times.
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