Information Center

In the Information Center you will find everything you need to know about SobiPro and its applications!
It is also the place to download SobiPro, its applications and language packages.


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SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

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Quick jump to chapter:

Download Field


The Download Field adds an additional field type to your SobiPro component.
It allows users to upload files from the front-end (entry form) and download files for an entry or category of the used SobiPro section/directory. Use it to create a download section for your website or to simply let your visitors download a file (e.g. a price list, an inventory list or an e-book a.s.o.).

Download Field for SobiPro component  - download a file in details view screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - entry form (new, uploaded, edit) screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - entry form with permission and license selection screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - add new field in Fields Manager screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - Fields Manager: File Settings screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - Fields Manager: Entry Input Field Settings screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - Fields Manager: Entry View Field Settings screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - License Manager screenshot Download Field for SobiPro component  - various button/link styles available screenshot

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Arabic (ar-AA)Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Bulgarian (bg-BG)Catalan (ca-ES)Chinese (zh-CN)Croatian (hr-HR)Czech (cs-CZ)Danish (da-DK)Dutch (nl-NL)English (en-GB)Finnish (fi-FI)French (fr-FR)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Japanese (ja-JP)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Romanian (ro-RO)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Thai (th-TH)Turkish (tr-TR)Vietnamese (vi-VN)

SDownload Field Installation

Install the Download field with the built-in application manager

SInstallation of Download Field via Repository

Installation of the Download field via repository

SDownload Field Configuration

Cofiguration settings for the Download field

SManage Licenses of the Download Field

Create, edit and delete licences of the download field; show licenses on download

SDownload Field Nodes (Views)

Description of the XML nodes of the Download field available in the views (section, category, listing, details view)
Tags: node | template | transform | view | XML | XPATH | XSL | XSLT

SDownload Field Nodes (Entry Form)

Description of the XML nodes of the Download field available in the entry form

freeUpdate a SobiPro application

Update notifications and updating SobiPro applications
Download Field
Joomla 5Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro 2.4
Last update: 26 August 2024
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: e8aeeb5468833dbbc047e4a20a50c839
Filesize: 213.5 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 2.2
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.4.7
Last update: 5 October 2018
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: ca923d285cdba8052cf149eec89936f9
Filesize: 191.3 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Do you like Download Field? Please leave a review at Joomla Extensions Directory!
Download Statistics:

Recent version: 220

All versions from site: 7755

All versions from repository: 6037

Total Downloads: 13792


2.2 (5 October 2018)
(+) If user has rights to access unapproved (new) entries, he also may download the files
(+) File name in back-end entry form is linked to the file
(+) Workaround for issue 'Add and Delete buttons in licenses configuration window are not visible'
(+) Workaround for issue 'Exit and Save buttons in licenses configuration window are not visible'
(-) Alert class changed from 'alert-message' to 'alert-error' as it conflicts with Joomla messages
(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(!) Mime folder now media/sobipro/mime
(!) Default file storage folder is now located in 'images/sobipro'
(!) Simple mode for TinyMCE (editing licenses) removed as it does not longer work but causes problems now
(#) Issue with cache after the field has been removed from particular section (Issue #1)
(#) Error message when file is too large
(#) File type symbol not shown
(#) Entry can't be saved when Download field is set as required (Issue #5)
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warning
(#) Arabic (ar-AA) language not loaded

2.1 (29 November 2016)
(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in entry form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) File extension 'txt' set as default
(+) Adjustable field width (span, col) in entry form
(+) Bootbox for Bootstrap 3
(+) Auto-generate placeholder for alias field (nid)
(+) Category fields compatible
(+) Width of permission and license list adjustable (cell width)
(+) Various possibilities for download button/link added
(+) Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian and Brazilian-Portuguese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(-) Legacy mode for Joomla! 1.5 removed
(-) Suffix setting removed
(!) Field output in entry form improved
(!) Bootstrap 2 CSS not longer loaded
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) File size calculation changed to SI (decimal) prefixes (1 kB = 1000 bytes);
(#) Replaced basename with own functionality (Issue #1566)
(#) "Visitor" usergroup always added to permissions (Issue #1719)
(#) Plugin functionality activated on "fieldEdit" (Issue #1715)

2.0 (17 March 2014)
(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, Croatian, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Download path on Windows machines (Issue #791)
(#) Notices for deleted entries (Issue #864)

0.9.6/0.9.7 (18 August 2013) - Interims release
(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility

0.9.4 - first release (1 April 2011)

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 12

All versions from site: 117

All versions from repository: 281

Total Downloads: 398


3.1.3 Build 0 (26 August 2024)

(!) Copy to Storage button in red now as it overwrites files
(!) Languages updated
(#) Get licences with POST request now as they are not in REQUEST

3.1.2 Build 0 (27 November 2023)

(!) Access rights adapted to core permissions
(!) Adapted to new menu structure
(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved
(#) Shown licences in fields manager were not filtered by section

3.1.1 Build 2 (27 March 2023)

(!) Hint screen when no licences added
(!) Using only Sobi Framework methods to serialize/unserialize data
(!) Adapted to new Import/Export application
(!) Compatibility with SobiPro 2.2.1
(#) Error when adding data to the field in categories
(#) Visitor only could not be set for up and download group
(#) If no licences are selected in the field configuration, user may not choose

3.1 (01 November 2022; build 2)

(+) Mime type application/x-rar added
(#) PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
(#) Licenses added in non default languages were not shown in default language

3.0 Build 11 (17 May 2022)

(!) Bootstrap version now evaluated from core

3.0 Build 10 (4 May 2022)

(+) Compatibility message for application styles on non-default7 based SobiPro templates
(!) Corrected params attributes list
(!) Uncompressed javascript files are no longer copied to the server

3.0 Beta Build 9 (11 March 2022)

(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager (multilingual mode only)
(+) Usage of legend element for administrator templates
(+) Licenses are now multilingual
(#) Save the field specific parameters also for new fields

3.0 Beta Build 8 (01 February 2022)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Uploaded file can be downloaded from entry in backend
(+) Frontend styles file (.linc) can be copied to template from field manager
(+) Check for missing downloader group or license (in case user may choose)
(+) Selection of block or inline display of downloader groups and licenses
(+) Possible placeholders for path extended by {entryname}, {oid}, {ownername}, {uid}, {username}
(+) Support for cloning of entry
(+) file size unit will be shown for file size in fields manager
(+) Managing licenses are logged in the action log
(!) General verify for front- and back-end
(!) Licenses management moved from field to configuration menu
(!) Bootbox replaced by SigsiuModalBox
(!) Placeholder {entryname} is now {entryalias}; needs to be changed in field's configuration!
(!) PHP8 compatibility
(#) Edit limit was not handled
(#) If the verification process stopped saving an entry, the uploaded file was no longer available
(#) If the upload user is not allowed to select a license, the first in the fields manager selected license is used (19 May 2021)

(+) Im- and export methods to handle licenses with the Template Packager
(!) Improvement of file save method

2.2 (5 October 2021)

(+) If user has rights to access unapproved (new) entries, he also may download the files
(+) File name in back-end entry form is linked to the file
(+) Workaround for issue 'Add and Delete buttons in licenses configuration window are not visible'
(+) Workaround for issue 'Exit and Save buttons in licenses configuration window are not visible'
(-) Alert class changed from 'alert-message' to 'alert-error' as it conflicts with Joomla messages
(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(!) Mime folder now media/sobipro/mime
(!) Default file storage folder is now located in 'images/sobipro'
(!) Simple mode for TinyMCE (editing licenses) removed as it does not longer work but causes problems now
(#) Issue with cache after the field has been removed from particular section (Issue #1)
(#) Error message when file is too large
(#) File type symbol not shown
(#) Entry can't be saved when Download field is set as required (Issue #5)
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warning
(#) Arabic (ar-AA) language not loaded

2.1 (29 November 2016)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in entry form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) File extension 'txt' set as default
(+) Adjustable field width (span, col) in entry form
(+) Bootbox for Bootstrap 3
(+) Auto-generate placeholder for alias field (nid)
(+) Category fields compatible
(+) Width of permission and license list adjustable (cell width)
(+) Various possibilities for download button/link added
(+) Catalan, Danish, Dutch, Farsi, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian and Brazilian-Portuguese languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(-) Legacy mode for Joomla! 1.5 removed
(-) Suffix setting removed
(!) Field output in entry form improved
(!) Bootstrap 2 CSS not longer loaded
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) File size calculation changed to SI (decimal) prefixes (1 kB = 1000 bytes);
(#) Replaced basename with own functionality (Issue #1566)
(#) "Visitor" usergroup always added to permissions (Issue #1719)
(#) Plugin functionality activated on "fieldEdit" (Issue #1715)

2.0 (17 March 2014)

(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Bulgarian, Chinese, Czech, Greek, Spanish, Finnish, Croatian, Hungarian, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams) (some languages are translated only partially)
(#) Download path on Windows machines (Issue #791)
(#) Notices for deleted entries (Issue #864)

0.9.6/0.9.7 (18 August 2013) interims release

(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility

0.9.4 (1 April 2011) first public release

freeSDocument available for free or for subscribers. You have access.

SDocument available for subscribers only. You do not have access.

Copyright (C) 2006-2025 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.

This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

Powered by SobiPro
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