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The SobiPro Aggregation Field is an application which allows users to add tags to an SobiPro entry that will create a hyper-linked keyword in the front-end output that site visitors can click to view all related entries that have been tagged with the same keyword.
Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):
Recent version: 272
All versions from site: 9302
All versions from repository: 7907
Total Downloads: 17209
2.2 (22 November 2018)
(+) Auto-generate placeholder for alias field (nid)
(+) For installed versions older than 2.2 convert the sKey values in table #__sobipro_language to nid values on installation
(+) Usage of template storage
(+) Pathway/title and tags view header texts can be setup in the field's settings
(+) Menu item 'Link to aggregation listing' added
(+) Field can be used as category field
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(!) Colour of tags label in entry form set to label-sigsiu
(!) Behaviour of 'Edit Limits' setting; only changes of the field's content counts
(!) Sorting by field not possible for that type of field -> 'Show in Admin List' setting removed
(#) Field in backend entry form doesn't get the set width
(#) File opt/fields/adm/aggregation.php not copied during installation
(#) Declaration of SPTag::getEntries() should be compatible with SPSectionCtrl::getEntries()
(#) PHP 7.2 compatibility
(#) Notices in tag view (Issue #3)
(#) If special characters in tags no results are shown in tags view (Issue #4)
(#) Blanks in tags are replaced by dash for page title and header line
(#) Tags are not shown in search suggest (Issue #2)
(#) If special characters or blanks in tags, no results are shown in the search
(#) Entries sorting methods popular, date, modified date, expiration date and random work now (sort by field is not available!)
(#) Custom tag label in entry form not translatable
(#) Backslashes added for some tags entered from tags management page
2.1 (3 December 2015)
(+) Added language support in the fields manager
(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in add/edit form (css-edit), details view (css-view) and search form (css-search)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) CSS style sheets
(+) Catalan, Indonesian and Latvian languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) Layout improvements
(!) Field width settings changed from px to Bootstrap classes (span, col)
(-) Removed possibility to change field types as not compatible with other fields
(#) Fixed compatibility issues with new aliases
(#) Compatibility issue with new Bootstrap 3 typeahead library fixed
(#) Tags starting with blank space will generate empty results list (Issue #1501)
(#) Tags management page issues when no tags are defined yet (Issue #1490)
(#) Itemprop set for each single tag instead of one for all
(#) tag.xsl file ins't copied during field creation (Issue #1531)
2.0 (3 July 2015)
(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Bulgarian, Bosnian and Herzegovina, Czech, Greek, Spanish, Persian, Finish, French, Croatian, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Dutch, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, Vietnamese and Chinese languages added (thanks to our translation teams; some languages are translated only partially)
(+) Users may choose only from predefined lists
(+) Tags Management implemented
(!) Changed UI from jQuery UI to Bootstrap
(#) Aggregation field scrolls the page to the field in edit form (Issue #609)
(#) Not possible to use the field with tags limit set to 1 (Issue #617)
(#) Aggregation field limit is not working (Issue #711)
(#) Required class for aggregation field is missing (Issue #716)
(#) Tags Max length is not being properly applied (Issue #881)
(#) Unicode settings for URL has no effect for aggregation links (Issue #1084)
(#) Multiple Aggregation field settings in one form (Issue #1121)
1.0 (16 August 2011)
(+) Polish Language and Swedish Language added
(#) Wrong field nid in the navigation
(#) Fixed several JavaScript errors to make it usable with JavaScript compression
0.9.4 - first public release (23 May 2011)
SobiPro 2 and its applications are a major upgrade. If you upgrade the application, it is highly recommended to use the new template file(s) for SobiPro and the applications, as the old template file(s) do not necessarily work with SobiPro 2 and the new application.
Copy them to your template by pressing 'Copy from Storage'. If you have modified the template file(s), you need to backup them first and add your modifications to the new template file(s).
Recent version: 19
All versions from site: 121
All versions from repository: 624
Total Downloads: 745
3.1.6 Build 0 (14 June 2024)
(!) Speed for searching in tag list improved3.1.5 Build 0 (02 May 2024)
(!) Tags label width in field manager increased3.1.4 Build 0 (01 March 2024)
(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved3.1.3 Build 0 (11 January 2023)
(#) Tagin script not loaded for editing field in fields manager (is NOT loaded by core!)3.1.2 Build 2 (31 December 2022)
(#) Navigation link created wrongly3.1.1 Build 0 (22 November 2022)
(+) Danish language added3.1 Build 2 (1 November 2022)
(#) Browser title created wrong3.0 Build 2 (05 August 2022)
(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 52.2 (22 November 2018)
(+) Auto-generate placeholder for alias field (nid)2.1 (3 December 2015)
(+) Added language support in the fields manager2.0 (3 July 2015)
(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility1.0 (16 August 2011)
(+) Polish Language0.9.4 (23 May 2011) first public release
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