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SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

As an active customer download the full version of SobiPro from the description page or download the trial version of SobiPro free of charge.

Quick jump to chapter:

Calendar Field

Calendar Field

The SobiPro Calendar Field lets create a date field that features a popup calendar in the entry form of SobiPro to easily select a date for an entry.

With the Calendar field it is possible to create a complete events site due to the possibility to make a calendar field become the setting to specify the entry start publishing date and/or the entry stop publishing date. Also recurring dates like daily, weekly, monthly and yearly dates, and date/time ranges can be used.

The date field features a popup calendar in the entry and search form, that lets users easily select a date.

A calendar listing shows all dates entered in the (events) directory on the site in a specific calendar view. is supported.

SobiPro Calendar Field
SobiPro Calendar Field
SobiPro Calendar Field
SobiPro Calendar Field
SobiPro Calendar Field
SobiPro Calendar Field
SobiPro Calendar Field

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Arabic (ar-AA)Bosnian (bs-BA)Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Bulgarian (bg-BG)Catalan (ca-ES)Chinese (zh-CN)Croatian (hr-HR)Czech (cs-CZ)Danish (da-DK)Dutch (nl-NL)English (en-GB)Finnish (fi-FI)French (fr-FR)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Japanese (ja-JP)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Romanian (ro-RO)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Thai (th-TH)Turkish (tr-TR)Vietnamese (vi-VN)

SCalendar Field Installation

Install the Calendar field in the built-in application manager

SInstallation of Calendar Field via Repository

Installation of the Calendar Field via SobiPro Repository

freeUpdate a SobiPro application

Update notifications and updating SobiPro applications

SCalendar Field Configuration

Configuration settings for creating a Calendar field

SCalendar Field Nodes (Views)

Description of the XML nodes of the Calendar field available
Tags: node | template | transform | view | XML | XPATH | XSL | XSLT

SCalendar Field Nodes (Entry Form)

Description of the XML nodes of the Coupon field available in the entry form
Calendar Field
Joomla 5Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro 2.3
Last update: 25 March 2024
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 0ccdb4de3e95fe7a8e5d42d02bea52b1
Filesize: 119.7 kB
To download this file a Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 2.4.1
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.6.2
Last update: 1 January 2021
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 94ee3e2b335fac7b1c90baddec90bf1e
Filesize: 114.7 kB
To download this file a Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Do you like Calendar Field? Please leave a review at Joomla Extensions Directory!
Remarks: The Calendar field uses the Unix Time to show dates. Unix times can be only in the range of 13.12.1901 20:45:52 UTC to 19.01.2038 3:14:07 UTC. If you need dates before of after that range, the calendar field cannot be used. See also Unix time (Wikipedia)
Download Statistics:

Recent version: 60

All versions from site: 7778

All versions from repository: 6763

Total Downloads: 14541


2.4.1 (31 December 2020)

(#) Compatibility with SobiPro categories and entries modules

2.4 (24 December 2020)

(-) Import/Export adapters removed
(!) Layout improvement of calendar view
(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(!) Back-end suffixes are handled now by the field separately
(!) Back-end entry/category fields edit form now uses Bootsrap grid system with widths set in the field
(!) Bootstrap 3 version uses Font Awesome 4 icons
(!) Calendar view template to support rounded corners
(!) If 'to date' in search left empty, 01/19/2038 @ 3:14am (UTC) is used (highest possible date)
(!) If 'from date' in search left empty, 12/13/1901 @ 8:45pm (UTC) is used (lowest possible date)
(#) Incorrect data restored from cache when re-entering add entry form (Issue #18)
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warning
(#) Sort entries in backend by calendar field (Issue #24)
(#) Notices if no end date is set
(#) The calendar icon setting affects only the front-end
(#) Setting a field back from time period to simple date removes now the additional data from database
(#) Adding field to meta data causes XML error (Issue #22)
(#) Popover data in calendar view loading problem (Issue #19)
(#) Wrong Listing trigger
(#) Time period which lasts less than 24h is displayed as one day date (Issue #16)

2.3 (13 September 2017)

(#) Field data will be duplicated in DB; as result the date cannot longer be changed

2.2 (22 July 2017)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in add/edit form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) Adjustable search field width (span, col)
(+) XSL template for Bootstrap 3 added
(+) Adapted for category fields
(+) Bosnian, Indonesian, Latvian, Portuguese-Brazilian and Romanian languages added
(+) Usage of template storage
(+) Setting to select if module should show also past dates (entries)
(+) Dates set for the calendar field are available in the XML data
(!) Layout improvements
(!) Template/CSS adaptions for default3 template
(!) Field width settings changed from px to Bootstrap classes (span, col)
(!) Menu link selection layout improved
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(!) Display of repeating dates improved
(!) Changing calendar field to other field types is not longer possible due to its complexity
(#) No warning if no calendar field is selected when adding menu link to calendar listing
(#) Wrong offset applied to calendar field date in edit form (Issue #1420)
(#) Sorting of yearly recurrent dates (entries) in the module works now correctly
(#) recurring dates are always in the future and will be shown in future lists

2.1 (01 September 2014)

(+) Adapters for Import/Export Application
(+) Italian, Catalan, Farsi and Slovak languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) Czech, Croatian and Hungarian languages updated
(#) Wrong month in yearly date recurring (Issue #1224)
(#) Wrong dates for entry with enabled time period (Issue #1225)
(#) Year switched when browsing from Feb to Jan, instead of Jan to Dec (Issue #1295)

2.0 (03 February 2014)

(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Czech, Croatian, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams) (some languages are translated only partially)
(+) Support for
(+) Calendar view
(+) Recurrent dates
(+) Possibility to define start and end date
(!) Date/time selector is using now native SobiPro methods (bootstrap)

0.9.2 (29 May 2012)

(+) Added timestamp to attributes
(+) Added languages: French, Finnish, Bulgarian, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish and Chinese (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Date was depending on the time zone.
(#) Negative integer filtered out - not possible to have date before 1970 (Issue #567)
(#) Search function: in Joomla! 1.5 JavaScript error while selecting the range (Issue #608)
(#) Double CSS class cleaned

0.9.1 (13 October 2011)

(#) Date wrong calculated if entry is edited on 32 bit machines
(#) Not possible to set as not required (Issue #524)

0.9.0 (20 November 2011)

(+) Swedish language (thanks to JOKR Solutions)
(#) Range search doesn't work with one parameter only
(#) After first search the date is wrong calculated
(#) Date wrong calculated if entry is edited
(#) Error creating JS language file for the first time
(#) If no time setting checked, hour and minute are shown although

0.5 (29 August 2011) first public release


SobiPro 2 and its applications are a major upgrade. If you upgrade the application, it is highly recommended to use the new template file(s) for SobiPro and the applications, as the old template file(s) do not necessarily work with SobiPro 2 and the new application.

Copy them to your template by pressing 'Copy from Storage'. If you have modified the template file(s), you need to backup them first and add your modifications to the new template file(s).

The Calendar field uses the Unix Time to show dates. Unix times can be only in the range of 13.12.1901 20:45:52 UTC to 19.01.2038 3:14:07 UTC. If you need dates before of after that range, the calendar field cannot be used. See also Unix time (Wikipedia)

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 34

All versions from site: 87

All versions from repository: 269

Total Downloads: 356


3.1.2 Build 4 (25 March 2024)

(+) Possibility to switch 'no date set' text off in SobiPro's configuration file
(#) Shown date was in UTC time while input was with GMT

3.1.1 Build 1 (21 December 2023)

(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved
(!) CSS adaption to Cassiopeia template
(#) PHP 8 warning if no field types are defined
(#) Handling of invalid entries was missing
(#) PHP 8 errors
(#) JavaScript Error in calendar view

3.1 Build 2 (03 November 2022)

(#) PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
(#) Start date was no longer transferred to end date field if empty
(#) Not possible to switch off all three time settings

3.0.1 Build 0 (4 July 2022)

(!) Setting 'list past dates' no longer considered for backend sorting order
(#) HTML output for Bootstrap 2 corrected/adapted to Bootstrap 2 responsive
(#) Sorting in backend does not work (Issue #30)
(#) Setting 'list past dates' is not stored and therefore does not work
(#) Setting 'function' is not stored and therefore does not work

3.0 Build 7 (18 May 2022)

(-) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility setting removed as no longer necessary
(!) Bootstrap version now evaluated from core

3.0 Beta Build 5 (26 April 2022)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Frontend styles file (.linc) can be copied to template from field manager
(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager (multilingual mode only)
(+) Template files now work for Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5
(+) Template settings added
(+) Compatibility message for application styles on non-default7 based SobiPro templates
(-) Suffix setting removed
(!) Uncompressed javascript files are no longer copied to the server
(#) Save the field specific parameters also for new fields
(#) If repeat daily, the difference between start and end have to be less than 24 hours
(#) Entry popup in calendar listing view is shown only once for each calendar item
(#) Javascript overworked as sometimes the content is not shown
(#) Show entries in calendar listing also for months which are between start and end month

2.4.1 (31 December 2020)

(#) Compatibility with SobiPro categories and entries modules

2.4 (24 December 2020)

(-) Import/Export adapters removed
(!) Layout improvement of calendar view
(!) Database collation for new installations changed to utf8mb4_unicode_ci
(!) Database character set for new installations changed to utf8mb4
(!) Database engine for new installations changed to InnoDB
(!) Back-end suffixes are handled now by the field separately
(!) Back-end entry/category fields edit form now uses Bootsrap grid system with widths set in the field
(!) Bootstrap 3 version uses Font Awesome 4 icons
(!) Calendar view template to support rounded corners
(!) If 'to date' in search left empty, 01/19/2038 @ 3:14am (UTC) is used (highest possible date)
(!) If 'from date' in search left empty, 12/13/1901 @ 8:45pm (UTC) is used (lowest possible date)
(#) Incorrect data restored from cache when re-entering add entry form (Issue #18)
(#) PHP 7.2 incompatibility warning
(#) Sort entries in backend by calendar field (Issue #24)
(#) Notices if no end date is set
(#) The calendar icon setting affects only the front-end
(#) Setting a field back from time period to simple date removes now the additional data from database
(#) Adding field to meta data causes XML error (Issue #22)
(#) Popover data in calendar view loading problem (Issue #19)
(#) Wrong Listing trigger
(#) Time period which lasts less than 24h is displayed as one day date (Issue #16)

2.3 (13 September 2017)

(#) Field data will be duplicated in DB; as result the date cannot longer be changed

2.2 (22 July 2017)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in add/edit form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) Adjustable search field width (span, col)
(+) XSL template for Bootstrap 3 added
(+) Adapted for category fields
(+) Bosnian, Indonesian, Latvian, Portuguese-Brazilian and Romanian languages added
(+) Usage of template storage
(+) Setting to select if module should show also past dates (entries)
(+) Dates set for the calendar field are available in the XML data
(!) Layout improvements
(!) Template/CSS adaptions for default3 template
(!) Field width settings changed from px to Bootstrap classes (span, col)
(!) Menu link selection layout improved
(!) Field version info moved to 'General Field Settings'
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(!) Display of repeating dates improved
(!) Changing calendar field to other field types is not longer possible due to its complexity
(#) No warning if no calendar field is selected when adding menu link to calendar listing
(#) Wrong offset applied to calendar field date in edit form (Issue #1420)
(#) Sorting of yearly recurrent dates (entries) in the module works now correctly
(#) recurring dates are always in the future and will be shown in future lists

2.1 (01 September 2014)

(+) Adapters for Import/Export Application
(+) Italian, Catalan, Farsi and Slovak languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(!) Czech, Croatian and Hungarian languages updated
(#) Wrong month in yearly date recurring (Issue #1224)
(#) Wrong dates for entry with enabled time period (Issue #1225)
(#) Year switched when browsing from Feb to Jan, instead of Jan to Dec (Issue #1295)

2.0 (03 February 2014)

(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Czech, Croatian, Japanese, Thai and Vietnamese languages added (thanks to our translation teams) (some languages are translated only partially)
(+) Support for
(+) Calendar view
(+) Recurrent dates
(+) Possibility to define start and end date
(!) Date/time selector is using now native SobiPro methods (bootstrap)

0.9.2 (29 May 2012)

(+) Added timestamp to attributes
(+) Added languages: French, Finnish, Bulgarian, Dutch, Danish, Greek, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish and Chinese (thanks to our translation teams)
(#) Date was depending on the time zone.
(#) Negative integer filtered out - not possible to have date before 1970 (Issue #567)
(#) Search function: in Joomla! 1.5 JavaScript error while selecting the range (Issue #608)
(#) Double CSS class cleaned

0.9.1 (13 October 2011)

(#) Date wrong calculated if entry is edited on 32 bit machines
(#) Not possible to set as not required (Issue #524)

0.9.0 (20 November 2011)

(+) Swedish language (thanks to JOKR Solutions)
(#) Range search doesn't work with one parameter only
(#) After first search the date is wrong calculated
(#) Date wrong calculated if entry is edited
(#) Error creating JS language file for the first time
(#) If no time setting checked, hour and minute are shown although

0.5 (29 August 2011) first public release

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

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