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Important announcement

SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

As an active customer download the full version of SobiPro from the description page or download the trial version of SobiPro free of charge.

Quick jump to chapter:

Profile Field

Profile Field

If you want that only registered users may add an entry to your directory (section), they normally have to register themselves first on your site using the Joomla registration form before they can add an entry in your directory. Here the Profile field jumps in and lets your users register in Joomla while adding an entry to your directory (section).

It also allows to create a members directory, where user profiles can be shown with a link to all entries of that user from any or all SobiPro sections on your site.

And third, the Profile field let you show a link and selected data within entries that links back to the user's profile. This is widen used e.g. for blogs, news, articles or similar content.

Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Details View of a Members directory screenshot Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Entry Form to register screenshot Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Selection in Fields Manager screenshot Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Entry Input Field settings screenshot Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Entry View Field settings screenshot Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Entries of an author screenshot Profile Field for SobiPro component  - Entries of an author screenshot

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Arabic (ar-AA)Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Bulgarian (bg-BG)Catalan (ca-ES)Chinese (zh-CN)Croatian (hr-HR)Czech (cs-CZ)Danish (da-DK)Dutch (nl-NL)English (en-GB)Finnish (fi-FI)French (fr-FR)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Japanese (ja-JP)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Romanian (ro-RO)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Thai (th-TH)Turkish (tr-TR)Vietnamese (vi-VN)

SProfile Field Installation

Install the Profile field with the built-in application manager

SInstallation of the Profile Field via Repository

Installation of the Profile field via Sigsiu.NET (SobiPro) repository

freeUpdate a SobiPro application

Update notifications and updating SobiPro applications

SProfile Field Configuration

Configuration settings for creating a Profile field

SUsage and Behaviour of the Profile Field

Description of the behaviour of the Profile Field in frontend and administrator area

SProfile Configuration Method I

Use the Profile Field to let your users register while adding an entry in the directory (section) - Method I

SProfile Configuration Method II

Use the Profile Field to let your users register in a separate members section - Method II

SProfile Field Nodes (Details View)

Descripion of the XML nodes of the Profile Field in the details view

SProfile Field Nodes (Entry Form)

Description of the XML nodes of the Profile field as input field, available in the entry input form
Profile Field
Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro 2.3.6
Last update: 9 November 2023
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: b56cd9c93637cf6d3e1b0f48d103783e
Filesize: 114.8 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 2.4
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.5
Last update: 13 February 2020
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 5e11f96e254d748b083f5ac12a21d286
Filesize: 94.6 kB
To download this file a Bronze Subscription or Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Do you like Profile Field? Please leave a review at Joomla Extensions Directory!
Download Statistics:

Recent version: 139

All versions from site: 7841

All versions from repository: 6478

Total Downloads: 14319


2.4 (13 February 2020)

(!) CSS files minified
(#) Registry doesn't get restored if no user name was given (results in missing section id)

2.3 (13 June 2019)

(+) Usage of template storage
(-) Joomla 1.5 specific code removed
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(!) Messages will be shown if field is wrongly configured
(!) Message will be shown if the field's ordering is wrong
(!) Entries ordering set to 'createdTime.desc'
(!) CSS file improved
(!) JS files compressed
(!) If user ignores the message that a username and/or email address already exists, a final message is shown that no user was created (Issue #1)
(!) The user contributions field data contain not longer the data of the profile field (unnecessary)

(#) page-header class usage corrected; lead class removed
(#) Changing password leads to "Cannot save fields data. Cannot unserialize raw (?) encoded variable." (Issue #2)

2.2 (14 April 2016)

(#) Only one related entry shown in the user's entry in the profile section

2.1 (23 March 2016)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in entry form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) Possibility to add an description in the entry form
(+) Bootbox for Bootstrap 3
(+) Catalan, Danish, Indonesian, Latvian, Dutch, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian and Slovak languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) CSS file now for backend only
(!) Template modifications for default3 template
(!) Layout improvements
(#) Assigned author isn't visible in the profile field in the back-end (Issue #1168)
(#) Template file is not being copied to the actual section's template (Issue #1186)
(#) Can't save entry with profile field in output mode (Issue #1532)
(#) Option to set profile field as required is gone (Issue #1360)
(#) Field in backend entry form doesn't get the set width
(#) The owner of an entry set in the field has priority over the entry owner set in the publishing data
(#) Entries assigned to fake users don't appear in the user contributions (Issue #1599)

2.0 (23 September 2013)

(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Persian, Croatian, Italian and Thai languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) Password (encrypted) is not longer stored in fields data table
(!) UI changed to Bootstrap
(!) Revised author choosing script in administrator area
(#) No possibility to remove selected author
(#) Newly added entry is not assigned to the created user
(#) Workaround for bug in SobiPro removed, since it has been fixed in SobiPro and the workaround is causing issues now

0.7 (30 August 2012)

(+) Czech, Greek, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese languages added
(#) Auto publishing entries does work correctly with profile field (issue 633)
(#) Conflict with contact form field (issue 689)

0.6 (4 February 2012)

(+) Bulgarian, Finnish, French and Swedish languages added
(+) Possibility to skip user creation while creating a profile in administrator area
(+) Manual entries author override in the administrator area
(!) Text (EN/DE/PL) changed for better understanding
(#) Profile field in output mode prevents correct approval
(#) Wrong behavior while creating a profile in administrator area
(#) JavaScript validation doesn't work in administrator area

0.5 first public release (25 October 2011)


SobiPro 2 and its applications are an upgrade. If you upgrade the application, it is highly recommended to use the new template file(s) for SobiPro and the applications, as the old template file(s) do not necessarily work with SobiPro 2 and the new application.

Copy them to your template by pressing 'Copy Storage'. If you have modified the template file(s), you need to backup them first and add your modifications to the new template file(s).

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 29

All versions from site: 104

All versions from repository: 252

Total Downloads: 356


3.2.2 Build 0 (09 November 2023)

(+) Legacy code for entries where a superuser is assigned (nouser=true)
(#) PHP 8 compatibility

3.2.1 Build 0 (15 September 2023)

(!) Languages updated
(#) Entry could be edited only once from front-end

3.2 Build 1 (07 June 2023)

(+) Administrator in backend may assign an existing Joomla user
(+) Administrator in backend may remove relation to the Joomla user
(+) Administrator in backend may remove relation and delete the Joomla user
(+) Possibility to choose if user may edit his Joomla data
(!) Password field related error messages are now shown below the field instead of a popup box
(!) Joomla user handling moved to SobiPro core
(-) Floating possibility for password fields removed
(#) Field specific parameters were no longer shown in fields manager

3.1.3 Build 1 (27 April 2023)

(!) Creating user methods made public to let Imex create Joomla users
(!) Creating user method also returns the user data (reference with reflection method not possible)
(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved
(#) Missing field data resulted in creating 'no name' entries
(#) If the field is set to be required, it could not be saved in back-end

3.1.2 Build 0 (22 February 2023)

(#) Verify was performed in articles section
(#) Frontend entry form in articles section requested a password

3.1.1 Build 2 (22 February 2023)

(+) Checkbox to update Joomla user data added
(+) Flex view of entries in details view added
(!) Skip user button removed; if no user assigned, content of password field is relevant
(#) Does not work (javascript error) if email field is of type 'email' instead of 'inbox'
(#) Autocomplete in articles section throws error if no result
(#) Missing validate method resulted in creating 'no name' entries
(#) Error if no output section is defined (PHP8)

3.1 Build 2 (02 November 2022)

(+) The password fields in entry form can be set to show their content
(+) If profile entry is assigned to a user, a link to that user account is shown (backend)
(+) Elimination of jQuery dependency (jQuery free)
(!) Default minimum password length set to 12 (as Joomla 4 has)
(!) No password fields and skip button in backend if there is already a user assigned
(!) Improved user handling
(!) Uncompressed javascript files are no longer copied to the server
(!) jQuery based typeahead library replaced by autoComplete (from core)
(#) Password label for non-floating layout wrongly designed
(#) Template files not copied from the storage to the template
(#) PHP 8.0/8.1 compatibility changes
(#) Not possible to add a new user profile
(#) When creating a new user account, the last visit date is set wrong

3.0 Build 3 (19 May 2022)

(!) Bootstrap version now evaluated from core
(!) Javascript file compressed; uncompressed version is not copied to the server

3.0 Build 2 Beta (28 April 2022)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Frontend template files can be copied to template from field manager
(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager (multilingual mode only)
(+) Template files now work for Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5
(+) Template settings added
(+) Compatibility message for application styles on non-default7 based SobiPro templates
(-) Backend CSS file no longer needed; removed
(!) Message added if only a user id and no username was available
(!) Bootbox replaced by SigsiuModalBox
(!) If logged in as superuser on frontend, no profile can be added (to avoid overwriting the superuser data)

2.4 (13 February 2020)

(!) CSS files minified
(#) Registry doesn't get restored if no username was given (results in missing section id)

2.3 (13 June 2019)

(+) Usage of template storage
(-) Joomla 1.5 specific code removed
(!) Adaption to SobiPro 1.4 back-end layout
(!) Messages will be shown if field is wrongly configured
(!) Message will be shown if the field's ordering is wrong
(!) Entries ordering set to 'createdTime.desc'
(!) CSS file improved
(!) JS files compressed
(!) If user ignores the message that a username and/or email address already exists, a final message is shown that no user was created (Issue #1)
(!) The user contributions field data contain not longer the data of the profile field (unnecessary)

(#) page-header class usage corrected; lead class removed
(#) Changing password leads to "Cannot save fields data. Cannot unserialize raw (?) encoded variable." (Issue #2)

2.2 (14 April 2016)

(#) Only one related entry shown in the user's entry in the profile section

2.1 (23 March 2016)

(+) Additional CSS class node attributes in entry form (css-edit) and details view (css-view)
(+) Different default class selectors
(+) Possibility to switch the field label off in entry form
(+) Possibility to add a description in the entry form
(+) Bootbox for Bootstrap 3
(+) Catalan, Danish, Indonesian, Latvian, Dutch, Brazilian-Portuguese, Romanian and Slovak languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) CSS file now for backend only
(!) Template modifications for default3 template
(!) Layout improvements
(#) Assigned author isn't visible in the profile field in the back-end (Issue #1168)
(#) Template file is not being copied to the actual section's template (Issue #1186)
(#) Can't save entry with profile field in output mode (Issue #1532)
(#) Option to set profile field as required is gone (Issue #1360)
(#) Field in backend entry form doesn't get the set width
(#) The owner of an entry set in the field has priority over the entry owner set in the publishing data
(#) Entries assigned to fake users don't appear in the user contributions (Issue #1599)

2.0 (23 September 2013)

(+) SobiPro 1.1 compatibility
(+) Arabic, Persian, Croatian, Italian and Thai languages added (thanks to our translation teams)
(some languages are translated only partially)
(!) Password (encrypted) is no longer stored in fields data table
(!) UI changed to Bootstrap
(!) Revised author choosing script in administrator area
(#) No possibility to remove selected author
(#) Newly added entry is not assigned to the created user
(#) Workaround for bug in SobiPro removed, since it has been fixed in SobiPro and the workaround is causing issues now

0.7 (30 August 2012)

(+) Czech, Greek, Spanish, Hungarian, Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai and Japanese languages added
(#) Auto publishing entries does work correctly with profile field (issue 633)
(#) Conflict with contact form field (issue 689)

0.6 (4 February 2012)

(+) Bulgarian, Finnish, French and Swedish languages added
(+) Possibility to skip user creation while creating a profile in administrator area
(+) Manual entries author override in the administrator area
(!) Text (EN/DE/PL) changed for better understanding
(#) Profile field in output mode prevents correct approval
(#) Wrong behaviour while creating a profile in administrator area
(#) JavaScript validation doesn't work in administrator area

0.5 first public release (25 October 2011)

freeSDocument available for free or for subscribers. You have access.

SDocument available for subscribers only. You do not have access.

Copyright (C) 2006-2025 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.

This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

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