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Gallery Field

Gallery Field

The Gallery Field adds an additional field type to your SobiPro component.
It allows to add an image gallery to the entries or categories within the directory. The image gallery is optimized to work on mobile devices as well as on desktop computers.

Features list:

  • Optimized for mobile devices as well as desktop computers
  • Easy parallel (up to 20) image uploading via drag and drop
  • Prominent image selectable for the listing view (vCard and details view separately)
  • Download images from gallery possible
  • Share image on social media (Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest available)
  • Exif data display (list expandable) within the gallery view
  • GPS data display with link to Google Maps
  • Support of microdata (; ImageObject)

Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):

Brazilian Portuguese (pt-BR)Chinese (zh-CN)English (en-GB)German (de-DE)Greek (el-GR)Hungarian (hu-HU)Indonesian (id-ID)Italian (it-IT)Latvian (lv-LV)Persian/Farsi (fa-IR)Polish (pl-PL)Russian (ru-RU)Slovak (sk-SK)Spanish (es-ES)Swedish (sv-SE)Turkish (tr-TR)

SGallery Field Installation

Install the Gallery field with the built-in application manager

SInstallation of the Gallery Field via Repository

Installation of the Gallery Field via SobiPro Repository

freeUpdate a SobiPro application

Update notifications and updating SobiPro applications

SGallery Field Configuration

Configuration settings for creating a Gallery field

SHandling and Viewing of Gallery Images

Handling and viewing the gallery images

SThe Gallery Field's Exif Data

The Exif data shown in the gallery and how to extend them

SGallery Field Nodes (Views)

Description of the XML nodes of the Gallery field available in the views (section, category, listing, details view)
Gallery Field
Joomla 5Joomla 4Joomla 3SobiPro 2.3.3
Last update: 20 November 2023
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: 8d30dd393521f47fd160094cce117485
Filesize: 154.8 kB
To download this file a Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Version: 1.2
Joomla 3.xSobiPro 1.5.1
Last update: 6 March 2020
Author: Sigrid & Radek Suski
License: GNU/GPL V3
MD5: a39bcaa99587108935b152c08fd4c8c4
Filesize: 157.0 kB
To download this file a Silver Subscription or Gold Subscription is needed.
Do you like Gallery Field? Please leave a review at Joomla Extensions Directory!

If used with original camera images, rotation of such images (GD library) may need a high amount of memory. It is recommended to have at least 256MB memory, otherwise it may result in a memory_exhausted error!

The PHP function finfo_file should be available, otherwise the exec function.

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 129

All versions from site: 525

All versions from repository: 1294

Total Downloads: 1819


1.2 (6 March 2020)

(+) Greek language added
(!) Different upload templates for front- and backend
(!) Frontend upload template uses Font Awesome 4 icons
(#) Fatal error: Class 'SPField_Gallery' not found (Issue #33)
(#) Possible problem with exporting data
(#) Problem when 'end-of-textarea="" />' in the template file is written without a blank
(#) Gallery images won't display if SEF is switched off (Issue #34)
(#) When duplicating entries with gallery field, the gallery images weren't duplicated

1.1 (1 November 2018)

(+) Support for Imex added
(+) Imex adapters added
(+) GPS data can be switched off separately from EXIF data setting (template modification; Issue #12)
(+) Field setting to choose the image to download (template modification; Issue #17)
(+) Possibility to check PHP size settings (needs SobiPro 1.4.9+)
(!) data-icon node renamed to data-ico as Joomla already uses data-icon
(!) If no large image is created, the original image won't be deleted ('keep original' remains true)
(-) Remove thumbnail creation option as it does not make sense
(#) Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /opt/fields/gallery.php on line 921
(#) Handling for image EXIF data with invalid GPS data
(#) Gallery data not given back for other applications (e.g. Imex)
(#) Installation at utf8mb4 database collation throws error (Issue #30)
(#) Primary status being removed on saving (Issue #27)
(#) Wrong title and description used for images with same name (Issue #28)
(#) Warnings when editing an entry without original image

1.0 (12 June 2017) first public release


If used with original camera images, rotation of such images (GD library) may need a high amount of memory. It is recommended to have at least 256MB memory, otherwise it may result in a memory_exhausted error!

The PHP function finfo_file should be available, otherwise the exec function.

Download Statistics:

Recent version: 35

All versions from site: 124

All versions from repository: 209

Total Downloads: 333


2.1.2 Build 2 (20 November 2023)

(+) Possibility to set a fix height or width for images by leaving the variable part empty
(+) Settings for special views (e.g. collection)
(!) As primary picture the thumb image will be used instead the large/original image
(!) Title bar in Fields Manager improved
(!) Gallery output in special views (e.g. collection) does not get a gallery link
(#) CSS style img in input form had negative impact on Google Maps pegman icon
(#) Remove tags from description and title

2.1.1 Build 3 (21 February 2023)

(+) Number of pictures in vCard can be set to 0 to allow to show only the primary picture
(#) When EXIF GPS data were corrupt, wrong data were stored in database
(#) Saving an entry with already uploaded images was not possible

2.1 Build 2 (4 November 2022)

(#) PHP 8.1 compatibility changes
(#) If duplicating a category, gallery category fields weren't duplicated

2.0 Build 3 (19 May 2022)

(!) Bootstrap version now evaluated from core
(#) Unapproved images are shown to users who may not see unapproved
(#) Javascript error in category view (data-shares undefined)

2.0 Beta Build 2 (28 April 2022)

(+) Backend layout rewritten to use Bootstrap 5 and Font Awesome 5
(+) Translatable content is marked with a globe in fields manager (multilingual mode only)
(+) Template files can be copied to template from field manager
(+) Separate LESS/CSS file for the entry form (gallery_form), used for front- and backend
(+) Template files now work for Bootstrap 2, Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4, Bootstrap 5
(+) Possibility to remove the primary status from all images
(+) Compatibility message for application styles on non-default7 based SobiPro templates
(+) Transparency handling added
(-) Im-/export adapters removed
(!) Template file upload.xml used for front- and backend
(!) PhotoSwipe library updated to v4.1.3
(!) Preview image size set to 200:200
(!) The image prefixes 'img_' and 'thumb_' will be added automatically and are no longer part of the fields' image name setting
(!) Uncompressed javascript files are no longer copied to the server
(#) Notices in backend if exif data field is empty
(#) Exif data could not be imported with Template Packager
(#) Notices for primary picture if not set
(#) PHP 7.4 notices/warnings solved
(#) Also empty description/title values are saved to be able to remove them again (Issue #36)

1.2 (6 March 2020)

(+) Greek language added
(!) Different upload templates for front- and backend
(!) Frontend upload template uses Font Awesome 4 icons
(#) Fatal error: Class 'SPField_Gallery' not found (Issue #33)
(#) Possible problem with exporting data
(#) Problem when 'end-of-textarea="" />' in the template file is written without a blank
(#) Gallery images won't display if SEF is switched off (Issue #34)
(#) When duplicating entries with gallery field, the gallery images weren't duplicated

1.1 (1 November 2018)

(+) Support for Imex added
(+) Imex adapters added
(+) GPS data can be switched off separately from EXIF data setting (template modification; Issue #12)
(+) Field setting to choose the image to download (template modification; Issue #17)
(+) Possibility to check PHP size settings (needs SobiPro 1.4.9+)
(!) data-icon node renamed to data-ico as Joomla already uses data-icon
(!) If no large image is created, the original image won't be deleted ('keep original' remains true)
(-) Remove thumbnail creation option as it does not make sense
(#) Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in /opt/fields/gallery.php on line 921
(#) Handling for image EXIF data with invalid GPS data
(#) Gallery data not given back for other applications (e.g. Imex)
(#) Installation at utf8mb4 database collation throws error (Issue #30)
(#) Primary status being removed on saving (Issue #27)
(#) Wrong title and description used for images with same name (Issue #28)
(#) Warnings when editing an entry without original image

1.0 (12 June 2017) first public release

freeSDocument available for free or for subscribers. You have access.

SDocument available for subscribers only. You do not have access.

Copyright (C) 2006-2025 Sigsiu.NET GmbH ( All rights reserved.

This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them, or parts of it, without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

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