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The SobiPro Categories Module allows to list SobiPro categories in a standard Joomla! module position. There are several settings that allow a great deal of flexibility in the order the categories are shown and in filtering them, as well as the ability to customize the style of the categories through a module's CSS or any other stylesheet. By default it loads your SobiPro template's theme CSS file (default3 based SobiPro templates only).
Due to its adjustable sorting order and field settings, the Categories module serves a lot of different purposes, no need for additional modules. Use the module as a
Additionally the sorting order can be determined by a category input box field, a category single select list field or a category calendar field from the currently selected section (directory), so the module can also be used as a
The categories can also be filtered by every category field select list, checkbox group or radio group item of the selected section (directory), so the module can be used e.g. as a
Filtering and sorting can be combined. You can use all these different module types simultaneously by using the module several times for one or more sections.
The Category module comes with several templates with a lot of settings for each.
Available languages (some languages are only partially translated):
Recent version: 79
All versions from site: 266
All versions from repository: 609
Total Downloads: 875
2.0.1 (31 December 2020)
(#) Compatibility with Calendar Field 2.42.0 (20 February 2020)
(+) Besides the field's ordering and filtering mode (now called flat mode), a nested mode is added which shows all categories of a section with their hierarchy; ordering is within the hierarchy level1.0 (30 November 2018) first public release
0.9 (4 November 2016) internal release
SobiPro 2 and its applications are a major upgrade. If you upgrade the application, it is highly recommended to use the new template file(s) for SobiPro and the applications, as the old template file(s) do not necessarily work with SobiPro 2 and the new application.
Copy them to your template by re-selecting the section in the module configuration. If you have modified the template file(s), you need to backup them first and add your modifications to the new template file(s).
Recent version: 19
All versions from site: 120
All versions from repository: 491
Total Downloads: 611
3.1.4 Build 0 (01 April 2024)
(#) Error message "cleanCategories() needs 'int' as parameter, 'string' given"3.1.3 Build 1 (27 February 2024)
(!) Ajax url changed to SPLiveSite+'index.php' (Joomla submenu problem)3.1.2 Build 0 (21 December 2023)
(+) Legacy template file for older SobiPro templates added (untested, unsupported)3.1.1 Build 0 (10 January 2023)
(+) Button in module's configuration to copy template files to the section template3.1 Build 0 (23 November 2022)
(+) Danish and French (partially translated) added3.0.1 Build 0 (18 July 2022)
(+) Elimination of jQuery dependency (jQuery free)3.0 Build 6 (19 May 2022)
(!) Javascript file compressed; uncompressed version is not copied to the server3.0 Beta Build 5 (24. February 2022)
(+) Adaption to Joomla 4 and SobiPro 22.0.1 (31 December 2020)
(#) Compatibility with Calendar Field 2.42.0 (20 February 2020)
(+) Besides the field's ordering and filtering mode (now called flat mode), a nested mode is added which shows all categories of a section with their hierarchy; ordering is within the hierarchy level1.0 (30 November 2018) first public release
0.9 (4 November 2016) internal release
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