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SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

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Installation, Update

Installation of SobiPro Component from Web

Last updated: 4. October 2017
Refers to version: 1.4+

The Joomla! screenshots below refer to Joomla! version 3.6.2. They may have been altered in the meantime.

SobiPro Installation Requirements

  • A working Joomla! website (refer to the requirements for the Joomla! version)
  • Your server has to meet the SobiPro Requirements

Installation from Web

Another possibility to install SobiPro, is via the Joomla! Extensions Directory (JED). It provides its listed extensions in the Joomla! back-end with the possibility to install it directly from the extension developer's website.

SobiPro Installation - Install from Web Plugin screenshot

To use the install from Web feature in Joomla!, make sure to have the 'Installer - Install from Web' plugin installed and enabled!

SobiPro Installation - Joomla! Admin Panel screenshot

To install the SobiPro from Web, sign in to your Joomla! website administration panel (back-end), click on Extensions from the Joomla! menu bar at the top of the screen, and select ManageInstall.

SobiPro Installation - Install from Web screenshot

Once the Extension Manager screen opens, select the Install from Web tab. From the Categories list, select Directory & DocumentationDirectory. Find SobiPro (it is the first free directory component in the list), and click on it. In the detail page for SobiPro which opens now, click on Install.

SobiPro details page on Joomla Extensions Directory screenshot

Confirm the installation by clicking again Install.

SobiPro Installation - SobiPro Server Requirement Check screenshot

The next screen you see will be the SobiPro Welcome Screen with SobiPro's system check to check your current server installation for the minimum requirements for SobiPro to function properly. This automated process lists the ...

SobiPro System Check Badges screenshot
  • requirements being met: Green Badge (Success)
  • not recommended settings: Orange Badge (Warning)
  • and does not comply settings: Red Badge (Error)

Almost every setting shown in the list must be adjusted at the hosting account server level. If you do not have direct access to your hosting server environment, you may need to contact your hosting account support to make the proper changes to the server, or find another hosting environment that will meet the needs of SobiPro. Please see our recommended hosting provider.

SobiPro Installation - Hint for Language installation screenshot

SobiPro comes with English (en-GB) language pre-installed. The Welcome Screen, also informs you about installing other languages. Click on Repository to install a language from the repository or on Application Manager to install a language package file downloaded from our website.

SobiPro Installation - SobiPro Control Panel screenshot

Click on the Next >> button at the top right of the screen after the system check process has completed to go to SobiPro's administration panel.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed the SobiPro component, and now you can start setting up your directories!

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This documentation and all images therein are copyrighted and protected by law. You may not publish, distribute or sell them or parts of it without explicit written permission of Sigsiu.NET GmbH.

Published on Friday, 26 August 2016. Visited 12490 times.
Powered by SobiPro
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