Support Area

SobiPro club members with an active subscription are entitled to get ticket support in the support area. For our former club members we provide a free of charge forum to ask other members. If you need professional support with fast answers, feel free to join the club.

Important announcement

SobiPro 2.6.2 is available!

As an active customer download the full version of SobiPro from the description page or download the trial version of SobiPro free of charge.

Update SobiPro and its applications to the most recent version before reporting a problem!

  1. Thomas Buttacavoli
  2. Community Area
  3. Tuesday, 13 September 2016
I just noticed that SobiPro automatically rewrites the URL to a /features/ after being initially assigned to a menu in Joomla. I want to be able to have modules assigned to my SobiPro menu item and work across the entire directory but as soon as someone clicks into a category, all the modules are no longer visible because the URL changes.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Okay, looks like I figured this one out. It appears that upon installation, SobiPro makes a default menu item with the alias of "features". It had put it in a menu I wasn't using but was published, so it was working within the site. I just moved that menu item into my new menu and renamed the alias to what I wanted it to be and now it appears to work wonderfully.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Community Area
  3. # 1
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