Support Area

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  1. Jim Gribble
  2. Community Area
  3. Wednesday, 27 September 2017
I would like some help with a problem at our new members directory at This is an upcoming replacement for I want to arrange the labels in a way that makes more sense. This is not possible via the fields in the control panel. I believe it's in the xsl files titled "details."
I see a pretty standard div section containing rows and columns containing blocks. I figured all I had to do was copy and paste the correct blocks into the correct positions. For this I made a copy of the filed titled detailscopy.
Next I wanted to see how everything looked.
I appeared to me that I would do this in the template.xml file, at line 77.
That appeared to me to be the place where the details.xsl file was being called.
So I edited line 77 to call detailscopy.xml.
Saved file, cleared Sobi cache and Joomla cache and did hard refresh in Chrome.
Nothing changed.
So please tell me the correct way to accomplish this? Being a longtime coder, I'm sure I can do this for myself if someone tells me the trick.
To see what's going on, you will need a website login and backend login, which I am happy to provide if you e-mail me. The directory is for registered users only. Here is the address
Thank you,
-Jim Gribble

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