Support Area

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  1. Scott Eagle
  2. Community Area
  3. Monday, 20 November 2017
I need those question answered to know if i m going to renew my subscription with sobipro. I m new and i have been sitting on this for a while...

So, i ' m trying to have different details.xls pages for different categories.

What i did is that i just copied details.xls and renamed it to something like lfr.xls but when i create menu item and link it to it what happens is that i get only labels and text like in attached image. Why that happens, what do i have to edit?

Reason i want this is to have different fields depending on the category selected?
Now in the Directory, i see "Category Fields" tab but again you are adding fileds there for all categories... Or what is that tab for? What i m missing.

So i want to have different fields depending on selected menu item that leads to category entry form. How do i do that and is it possible? Thank you!
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Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I guess nobody's around. Found out that when you are editing category "Use all fields" won't work. If i set it to "No" all fields are showed anyway...

Also, category fields don't work as well. I thought those are the field you can create and assign them to the specific category, but they are showing in category edit view and you can just add something there and it won't show anywhere...

So, yeah... I completely puzzled by those two... I renewed already my subscription once, but if this doesn't work, or someone doesn't give any explanation there's no point renewing my license... Thank you!


Find out that category fields are just that, additional fields to describe category i guess...Nothing more and useful like actual custom fields for each category...

And "use all fields" just won't show that field on Listing, but anyhow i's present during registration... ?? So that's it?

What is the best way to have different fields for different categories??
Attachments (2)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Community Area
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Also in the backend demo, there's no access to Members template fields...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Community Area
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Man, i know it's community area, but it wouldn't be too bad that staff take a look from time to time at this forum... Just for reps if nothing else... My two subscriptions expired and i don't wanna waste my money if support can't answer simple questions in a month!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Community Area
  3. # 3
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